Need advice from a bio-dad who has figured this out...
My bf of 11 months practically lives at my house. My son and daughter (dd) love him, my dd a little less than my son, but we have worked things out when there have been issues. Here's the prob.:
Dd is very outspoken, outgoing, sometimes bossy, "in charge", and very talented and intelligent. She is definitely my challenge, but on the other hand, she is very loving and giving. She has grown to really like my bf. She even called him "dad" recently, gasped, and then realized she wasn't going to get struck by lightning, so it was okay. My kids' dad is barely around, drops in when he can, etc. and since my bf has been around it has made dd want a relationship with her dad even more. It is very difficult on her...I can see it.
Things are good until the bf gets his kids (1 boy, 2 girls) eow. Lately they have stayed over at our house for the weekends. Even before they did, I realized that my bf is different to me and to my dd when he has his girls. My daughter is very bothered by this and acts out toward him because she is hurt. He is parenting out of guilt, and really doesn't see the things his kids do. They aren't bad kids, but he misses a LOT. His son and my son pretty much lock themselves in my son's room and play video games and stuff, so my dd and I are left to deal with bf and the girls (7,8). I can't really explain well what's going on, but it's all the little things. They are constantly fawning on each other, touching in some way or clinging. The 7 yr old baby talks and he doesn't even notice it. The girls are definitely put up on a pedestal, which even the boys find irritating. If he listed his priorities, it would be his daughters at the top, son at the bottom, and my kids and I not even on it. I have told him this. He doesn't really get it.
Well, this weekend, my bd started feeling slighted and acted out towards him, which pissed him off. So it finally hit me that he sees everything that she does as evil, with some sort of intention to bother him or lash out at him in some way. I could give examples, but just trust me...if she does something that a child her age would normally do, it's somehow worse when she does it. But if his kids were to do it, no big deal. After this weekend, I decided that I would not put my daughter through the emotional distress anymore. But I know as long as we get together at all (which we will bc the kids will want to) it may still be an issue. So my question can a bio-dad handle this kind of situation where the girl he spends MORE time with is slighted when the girls he would RATHER spend time with are around? He is not a bad guy; just parenting out of guilt, and until he understands this, we will have an issue. How does a dad see this?! I don't know how to explain it to him so he understands! I have even given him clear examples, and he is in denial. There are times when I wonder if he is jealous that my daughter is so talented, and his daughters are just sort of there. They have no hobbies, no activities, really almost no personalities. They are much younger acting than their ages and while he blames the bm for babying them, I have seen this is his problem as well. So, any of you figure out how to deal with this without the emotional distress on the kids?
That was supposed to be *8*
That was supposed to be *8* lol
I wish I could say things
I wish I could say things will get better but they probably won't. I have a 7 girl and my husband has a 12 girl and 10 boy. We have been married four years and it has not gotten any better. The truth is the dad's don't want to change and won't change because for them it's all about making the time they have with their kids happy. I get it but it doesn't change the fact that your daughter is going to get the short end of the stick in many respects. The sad part is that no one is really wrong it just is set up to fail. Both parents want the best for their kids and try to go about in the best way they know. The problem is, most of the time this is a lose, lose outcome. My daughter loves my husband but when he gets mad at me he is short with her and she doesn't get it nor should she at 7. When I get mad, I direct it at him only and he takes the brunt of my anger about the kids and his ex. I am seriously at the point of deciding if this is what I want for my daughter. I am at a make it or break point and I honestly don't know what to do. I am going to Chicago for the holidays and spend some real time talking with my mom and sister about it. I usually have a gut feel for what is the right course of action but where my daughter is concerned I seem to have trouble knowing which is the less of two evils. Sorry didn't mean to take over your post but you can tell I am four years into what sounds like a similar situation to yours and I can tell you if I knew this is where we would be I would not have moved in with him. I would date him and I still love him as much if not more than I did when we married but I don't think this is the right thing for my daughter. It sucks either way, she either sees my marriage fail or she lives in a home where there are double standards and two sets of rules and a underlying tension that never goes away. Good luck.
Yeah, that is kind of what I
Yeah, that is kind of what I was thinking. I had already decided not to move in, not even to get married until the kids were gone. My exh has a daughter so I've been the stepmom before. So that's why I'm trying to use my head more than I did the first time. Plus, now I have two kids to consider besides myself. I really need to limit my bf's time at my house as well. There are some other issues, and it just isn't worth it to be stressed out so much. I always hate hearing others going through the same thing, especially when they are already married like you! "Misery loves company" just doesn't fit sometimes! Wish you the best with your decision.
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