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13 y/o sd very touchy feely

Kim M's picture

This is nauseating!She is 5 foot tall and prob well over 200 lbs.She lays all over him on the couch and won't move even if I am around.He got mad when I said something about things are not appropiate at certain ages.(she is very immature mentally,baby talk and all)but not physically and its creepy to me?He says I have a sick mind.

Do I have a sick mind.I am hoping that now when she does it the seed has been planted.
I am sure she doesnt get male attention at school and has few friends but excuse me I have to say it,SHE CANT HUMP HER DADS LEG!

Sita Tara's picture

Not her dad. She would hug and kiss me constantly sometimes at inappropriate times (like right as I was about to take a bite of popcorn or something when we were watching TV.) She would lay practically on top of me to watch a movie. She also wrote things about me in a journal like she had a crush on me. (Sm is beautiful, loving, the best person in the world, kind, considerate, etc) Sounds nice but it took up a whole page and was written sort of "stalker-ishly". She would hang on me when my exh came to pick up my sons, sort of staking her claim to them like, "You're leaving and she'll be all mine." She also used to compulsively say, "I love you," to DH or me 50 times a day as easily as one would say, "Please pass the salt."

Over the years I have slowly adapted to the "Hang off" line my DH uses when she's too close for comfort. And she has been pulling away somewhat now that she's nearly 13. But I see her now hanging on her friends this way.

I attribute most of it to her lack of intimacy with her mom who has a personality disorder and keeps intimate distance from everyone (I doubt there was any even when she was a baby/toddler when a kid really needs it.)

I worry she will transfer this to boys very shortly though and end up in a heap of trouble.

Your DH needs to respect that you are his intimate partner not his daughter. She's not a toddler anymore. And he may be encouraging her to "need" this intimacy from her peers in the near future.

Peace, love, and red wine

strugglingat28's picture

I'm sorry you have to experience this feeling. I know it all too well. Feel free to look at my post and the comments from others to help give you some advice. My 11yo SD sits and rubs on her dad's lap, touches him all over and still tries to sleep with him (when he's nude). So, I know about that really strange and bad feeling you get when this happens. It's hard to not look jealous or mean, so try having him address it. My SD still won't listen, but we're working on it. The subject for my blog was from me "strugglingat28" about a week ago and it was 11yo sitting on dad's lap/sleeping with him? something of that nature. Anyway, good luck. You're not wrong for feeling this way. You're normal.
Hope it helps!

Gabby77's picture

My SD, shes only 7 though, is super jealous of her 2 year old sister and attempts to act like her. The problem is she is 7 and weighs 110 pounds and looks 12. SHe loves sitting on her dad's lap and it just looks weird cause she is almost as big as him. She also pulled that baby talk crap too...yeah know..The dada uppy, me want milky....(kill me)...It probably took about six months. First I planted the seed of this is innapropriate. Then I corrected her in front of him ( like when she said pwease I'd say it's please) And now he does it. He speaks up before I can when she does it to correct her. I basically just told him that she comes across as weird. She looks older and then she talks like that. Other people look at her as handicapped. PLus what if she slips and does this in school around her friends and about making the kid a target. You have to break these habits. I'd take that aproach with DH. IT's for her own good not to let her act like that.

Gabby77's picture

I've found that's how it works. As a step-parent you navigate a slippery live w/children so you see their faults yet you are not a Bio when you comment their BP tends to get defensive. SO generally I say something...we have a little argument or he gets upset and defensive and then a couple of days later I can see that he has thought it through and notices it too. If your guy is like mine he sees his daughter through rose colored glasses and occasionally needs a reality check.

Mystery23's picture

Its about love and affection and cuddles but it should not be about anything other than daddys being girl. I am a sd and I never did these things omg.

If you tell your husband or her that what she does is wrong they are going to think your jealous for them being so close. yeah I know there is close and they is this not so normal being close. I also know from reading a post that girls practice out there sexuality on their fathers or step-dads. You husband got to put a stop to this. Another be careful because if she feels like she is doing wrong which we know she is and its creepy but for her as a teenage she might feel she can't even hug her father. She might get interested in boys to look for affection, love and cuddles. She might get in heaps in trouble and sadly start be sexually active then the next thing she will end up pregnant saying at least this baby will love me. Or if using internet chat to men older than her or even male teacher look at them as father figures. If you can make you husband aware he has go to stop her doing this but say to her she can give him cuddles.

Riley's picture

Gabby, you said it. That's exactly how it is! We offer advise, our take on the situation; it causes some turmoil, but after the DH thinks about it, they see the reasonableness. Thanks for articulating this so perfectly.

In my experience I have found that the best way to make a point is with quiet diligence. When the DH complained about the his kids it's one thing, but if I did, then it's another, which meant DH would get defensive. There's a line in there between guiding our hubbies and forcing them.

Kim, I can't give advice specifically about your SD, but in general, applying this technique with issues about the skids will help DH to respect your opinion. Always trust your instincts, gently voice your concern, but don't expect immediate change. Wait it out, support your DH as he learns to see things from a different perspective.