Drama created by SS and Bm
So i posted a few days ago about my ss not wanting to stay and go back to mommys because its just too hard here. Hes 15 and has no skills, very lazy and fails constantly in school. Mommy babies him and lets him do what he wants there. We have rules and he is expected to follow them. Yesterday was ss birthday and everything was going great. Then we get a text today from mommy saying he is going home sooner because he just cant take it. My husband said no because they agreed in june plus ss needs to finish school. Mommy got mad and said she did not file the paperwork that said dad has custody and i believe it was out of spite. Ss is telling her its basically a prison here and he wants to run when things get tough for him. Im so pissed right now. Id really like to call mommy up and have some words but i know its not my place. She has shit on my husband basically and i do not want ss back here ever. He has created drama since hes been here.
Don’t get involved with BM
Then you will be the bad person. Be the great SM and let the kid go back to BM. So she can baby him sssso much. This kid will never like staying with you, because you have rules. Why fight it
Oh noooo....ss 15 has a girl
Oh noooo....ss 15 has a girl on his mind. I read that in your first post. Be careful OP...time for dad to have a serious talk about birds, bees and child support.
Kid should stay put until school year is over.
SS has been moping all day
SS has been moping all day because he cant go home with mommy in may like he and she wants. I would love for him to go home now but he needs to pass this grade. His mommy thinks he can just take the school back home and do it. Which would not work. All we want is ss to finish school thats it and he can be on his merry way. I have a feeling this is gonna be the longest month so far. Im dreading it. This was a bad idea from the start and now i feel like my home is not my home right now. Tension is in the air and ready for this to be done so we can go back to normal.
This is one of the primary
This is one of the primary reasons that I will not agree to have SSs for extra time at our home right now. BM is absolutely desperate to hand them off to DH, but if they were to come here, one SS would be in constant contact with her and would complain if we tried to have any expectations for him. Then BM would insist upon meddling and tell DH he was a terrible father and the kids don't like being around him...she would do this even though she wants DH to take the kids for extra time.
So, no thanks, we'll stick to EOWE.
Never let a good crisis go to
Never let a good crisis go to waste. Screw EOWE. Make them isolate at BM's for the duration and DH can visit with them via Zoom. See how long it takes mommy to either strangle them or beg DH to take them while you and DH enjoy all of the adult things being empty nesters will allow.