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Finally Leaving

razz0696's picture

I wanted to thank everyone for their support and words, constructive speaking does help some to realize the truth of the nature. My MIL i found out was very mean to my 16 year old daughter, she bought SD16 and SD17 valentines gifts and not my daughter, intentionally. My husband backed his mom's actions up and I told him I am done, our divorce will be because of her, and his inability to ever respect me, my daughter, and our life together.

I am signing a lease on an apartment today and will be moved in by Sunday. I told my husband i came from a very verbally abusive relationship prior that took a great deal of strength and courage to leave, i do not deserve nor will accept this treatment in my life anymore and she can be mean to me, but not to my daughter and this has happened many times before. I have moved a lot of stuff out already to my parents house.

justmakingthebest's picture

You are a good mom. Show your daughter how a relationship should work.

Good luck and please be prepared for the begging, crying and pleading for you to come home. Does he know you are leaving?

razz0696's picture

I told him Wednesday I was going to look for an apartment, he didn't believe me. I went yesterday to look at it and will sign today. I had a mutual friend go talk to him last night, to prepare him, and it didn't help. My husband woke up this morning (we slept in separate rooms) and he acted like everything was great. I didn't want to tell him flat out being he is on mandatory work today and tomorrow, he leaves, he gets fired but no time is a good time for a speration and I need to do it now. He text me a long message this morning, he is willing to get counseling, he is in a bad spot in life now, his truck he is restoring isn't done, his back is not doing well, he hates his job.... He never once apologized for the other night, never mentioned mine or my daughters feelings, never said I will make my house safe for you at that moment, it sealed the deal. 12 months is a long lease but I know i have to do it for my daughter. His kids, MIL and his ex are extremely toxic and he should have stood up for himself long before me. I refuse to be treated the way his kids, MIL and ex treat me. This is extremely hard for me, i am not an emotionally strong person but my whole family 100% supports me and it helps. My daughter is extremely grateful for the choice i just made and leaving. I told her i had to wait for the right time, i have been preparing since last spring.

StepUltimate's picture

I am proud of you, and glad your daughter has a mom like you. You're doing the right thing and it's hard, but that's not stopping you.

Wishing you the best,

justmakingthebest's picture


classyNJ's picture

{{HUGS}} Your showing your daughter that disrespect is not to be tolerated. It will be hard, but stand strong.

Your DH will have a lovely life with MIL :sick:

razz0696's picture

I would like to mention too that I will be working with my psychologist to get off the 50mg of lamatical, 300mg of wellbutrin and 100mg of serequol I am currently on and take daily. Leave a very abusive prior marriage, my new marriage I was told to believe I had emotional issues and I went along with it. I realize now, it wasn't me and I would like to be drug free again. And I did seek counseling after we got married but he refused then to go. Just like my first husband, he finally agreed to counseling today after I already told him I am leaving.

queensway's picture

Razz I think you are making the best decision for you and your daughter. Some things in life are just necessary and this is one of them. Without the support of your husband and dealing with a toxic MIL it should make living without them a dream come true. We all have free will and now is your time to get away from living with toxic people. I love that your family is there to support you. That will help.

Please work with your psychologist to get off some of these drugs. Put yourself first. You can do this. You have it within you. Good Luck.

Jzell67's picture

Good on you for standing up to them. How dare they treat a child like they are nothing. And that is exactly what they did.

Blood relative or not, you dont give to some and deliberately leave out others.

If my daughters mil did that to my grandsons I'd be livid. But she wouldn't because she's Not a bitch and self centred asshole. She's teaching her gd's how to treat your child.

Go forth and don't look back.

razz0696's picture

I cannot stop crying. I stayed in the apartment tonight. I feel terrible, but I know I had to leave. He asked how much the apartment was, I told him, $650. He said, Jesus Christ I am done talking to you. It isn't like I cannot afford it. My mind keeps spinning. He keeps telling me I do not care, I care a lot, a lot. If he cared for me he wouldn't allow people to treat me and my daughter badly. Together for 8 years, we did everything together.

StepUltimate's picture

It will get better! You will be fine. Congratulations on doing the right thing for you & your daughter.

Jzell67's picture

His concern regarding the cost pretty much sums him up.

You've done what's best for you and your daughter. It may not feel that way but it will. And you will be thankful that you made the move.

Acratopotes's picture

Keep your own word Hon and move out, your daughter is way more important then your husband.

He will try and get you back at all cost with empty words, do not fall for it, if he really loves you he needs to proof it over the next year, telling his mother and brats you are the most important person in his life, and treating your daughter with respect as well, but if he can't do this then it's good bey.

Now another point I do not agree with, MIL is fully in her right to send her Grand daughters gifts and not your DD, your DD is not her family, your parents could've send DD something and exclude the SD's...

Ispofacto's picture

His only concern is that you will no longer be contributing to his household expenses for his spoiled princesses? Wow. What a douche. Good riddance!

Rags's picture

Your daughter is lucky to have you.

Good luck and enjoy your do over as you launch on a new life adventure.