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Gosh, I need help

vegankat's picture

I'm new but old to these issues. Here's a little background:

I married Dh at 25, took on full custody of SS 9 and SD 2--The BM has disappeared and never surfaced. I wish she would come back and take her darling daughter with her. SS has been a joy and is now 25 and on his own. We still maintain a great relationship. You'd think having SD since 2 yrs old and the fact that she calls me Mom would mean something but it doesn't. We cannot stand each other. I have bent over backwards through the years, was a true mother in that I completely took over the role--made lunches--drove to practices--supported--saved report cards--you name it. My only regrets are losing my patience and yelling probably too much but good god I cannot allow myself this guilt because a person can only take too much. Here's a time line:

4 years old: Told babysitter, after we had a talk about strangers and people touching her, that her brother (11 at this time) was molesting her. Not true but this was a peek into disturbing behaviors in the future.

6 years old: Told teacher that I had left my front door open and my 2 yr old son wandered into the street and was killed (no such son exists) Told day care that her father and I dance naked in the house in front of her and that I've been to jail.

9 years: Went to after school care with a friend. Friend was going to a birthday party and SD was jealous, convinced friend to hide in the bathroom until Dh comes to get her and they'd go to the party (she wasn't invited) together. Friend agrees and when friend's mother comes, sees that her child is missing, starts crying, the school is searching for her, and SD tells her that she hasn't seen her. THIS IS THE EXTENT SHE WILL GO WITH NO REMORSE!

12-16: Met random boys (with friends) and invited them into her room and shirts were taken off//I found a note saying that she was going to give two guys "roadhead" (sorry if offensive) if they would drive her to another state where boyfriend lives so they can have sex--when she found out we knew, she claimed she'd been raped at 8 years old by a neighbor--all to stop being punished! I rushed her to a GYN and she was a virgin still--she then began to back pedal with her story. I almost called the police and spent days crying about this!//Has sex with boyfriend at 14-- 6 times with no protection because she's decided she wants a baby--her period is a week late and when it comes, tells everybody she's miscarried--I found pictures on her cell phone of her masturbating(at 14! well, that's gross at any age). Boyfriend talks to another girl and she takes 6 tylenol and tells me she's overdosed--night in hospital, conversation with social worker and she loved every minute of it and was all smiles. At 15, Dh and I were out of town 4 days and she stayed with friends. She broke a window at our home (lost her key) and had a huge party and caused $800 damage. At 16 had a boyfriend who was 25 with a child, then immediately after dated a 29 year old.

When she wants something she will NOT take no for an answer and pushes and pushes and pushes until you are so out of control from anger that you either start screaming or give in. (I never give in and DH always does--we've never been on the same page about anything with her)

She just recently, at 17, told me she will never say sorry for any of it, likes to live on the edge, has no remorse for anything she does, no matter the consequences. She is so inflammatory and can push my buttons to the point that I become violent. (not abusive, mind you--I swear I'm the most gentle person you will ever meet but I have restrained her, smacked her a few times and am not proud of any of it. :O I feel like I have to say that and have never read of anyone on here losing control but some of us must have)

(sorry this is long--it's been a long 15 years)

Just this last weekend she had the inplanon birth control insert taken out of her arm. (I had a 3 year birth control put in her because she refuses to take the pill every day. I will not raise her children) The GYN removed it without my permission (after 6 months and it cost $600 and wasn't covered by insurance!!) and it left a gaping hole. Now she's unprotected.
DH, for once (shock of shocks,) tried to make her stay home Friday night because she wouldn't tell him where she was going. It was an hour long ordeal of him wrestling her keys away from her and she had a stupid panic attack from not getting her way. She's never had one before so it was likely drama. In the past, when we've grounded her, she's cut her arms and stopped eating. ALL MANIPULATION that I don't get!? She stops cutting and eats again when she's off grounding. What the heck is that?! So, she stayed home that evening. The next day, she came in, snapped that she was leaving. I told her to sit a moment and explained that her behavior was ridiculous and that we had a right to know where she went. She was horribly mean, rude, called me crazy. I told her she couldn't leave and tried to get the keys from her. She struggled and opened the hole in her arm up. You can guess the rest, she called her father, screamed abuse, told her friends and now I'm a crazy person. Sad DH seems to believe me...or maybe not. How can other moms not believe her with a gaping hole in her arm--though unless she said I was attacking her with a knife, I cannot imagine how I would have done that.

Finally, she came home the next day, told me she's always hated me and that we're through. DH told her that the new rule in the house is that everyone respects everyone else, no matter what. And if she's going out all night, he wants to at least know where she is (I know...he under-parents all the time). She told him she's moving out because she's not a 10 year old, packed and left. I texted her the following day and apologized for trying to physically get the keys and told her that she knew I didn't mean to hurt her. She informed me that it's too late and that I'm psycho. Grr!

Now DH is a little cool to me and, I know, is blaming me somewhat for this--but says he blames her too but how can he?? His child, though 17, is not living at home anymore? She's crazy! He never has put limitations on her and I'm losing my mind. I don't know what to do. I feel guilty but really have no reason to. She has me coming and going. Help!

StepLightly's picture

How on earth have you not killed your DH and SD? Fifteen years!?! Holy Crap! You are a SAINT. I think your DH needs to hear exactly what you wrote above...I like the way you laid out the timeline. This is NOT the behavior of a typical child. If she NEVER lives in your home again, it will be too soon. This situation is not healthy for you or your marriage. If DH is "cool" towards you and upset, then HE needs to seek help for his screwed up daughter. WOW

bellacita's picture

u ARE a saint. i dont know how youve dealt w that all these years...i know i couldnt.

ur DH needs to step up and handle his daughter and stop blaming u for his failed parenting.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

Most Evil's picture

Maybe you have a chance if she does leave! Don't apologize any more, you have been provoked over and over and it sounds like its best that she does live somewhere else. Ask DH who he is married to, too!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

stepwitch's picture

First of all, welcome to the site. I hope you find some type of inner-peace here, I know you will find support.

As for your SD. It's not your fault. Be glad she is gone. I was reading and dang it was like flashback for me. My SD punched me after I took her computer away. Needless to say, she does not live here anymore and she is learning life lessons on her own. I would have never apologized for her bleeding arm - no way !! You sound better than I.

I am now in the stage of VALIDATION... Everything that I have predicted about SD is now coming to light. I don't mean to feel joy out of it, but damn......after everything you do for these kids, they think for some reason that they are better than us. I have no real answers for you, except to say..I Get It! I understand! I too have been in my SD life since she was 2. She is now 19 and guess what? She's grown.....She just the other night called her dad and told him to give her 1800 dollars for college tuition, after she lost her scholarship, wrecked her car, and have had 0 communication with him. He told her that he couldn't help her....It is called Karma or What comes around goes around. Now, she won't return any phone calls/texts. VALIDATION. Needy/Victim/Conceeded !!!! Whatever
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

vegankat's picture

All of you have removed a large part of my guilt. I think that's the equivalent to years of therapy. Ha. Thank you!!

Steplightly: You're right about DH being clueless. I'm going to stand up for myself and let him know that, if "Nasty McPsychopath" is going to come home, it has to be on my terms too. My terms aren't unfair. She has to respect me. And, I don't want to try to be her Mom anymore. All that means is her being nice to me only when she wants something. It's NEVER been for anything else. I refuse to feel badly about this anymore. And you know what? I'm sick to death of everybody in my life telling me that some day she'll grow out of this and be my best friend. Umm..not likely and with friends like that . . . you get the rest. Thanks for your help.

BEllacita: Yes, exactly. I think I'm right sometimes but over the years of being told you're not, it sort of brain washes you. This website is going far to strengthen my resolve.

Crayon: I felt chills when I read your post. SD is exactly that way. Just recently, the ex boyfriend she hadn't talked to for half a year, finally found a new girlfriend and was happy. She called him, went to his house, had sex with him, then called this poor girl and told her--just because she hates the ex boyfriend and is a bitter witch. She actually told me, too and DH witnessed she and a girlfriend the next evening on myspace harassing this girl. For what? Why? You be strong because it's a hard road.

Most evil: Apologies are over. You are so right. I so hope she stays gone but I don't know if we're still responsible for a 17 year old girl. I mean, if something happens, will we be liable. Grr! She's such an irritation!

Step witch: Ha, I only apologized about the arm for DH's benefit--ok I feel a little guilty. I wanted to be sure I seemed as innocent in his eyes as possible. But, that was the old me! They both better watch out because you all have really brought back my confidence. I'm so glad you have your support!

sparky's picture

Just be grateful that she is gone and hopefully, she wont' be a like a bad penny and show up again. Go down to the ice cream shop, get one of those big ice cream cakes, celebrate and have a party.

now4teens's picture

I was emotionally exhausted after just READING your story- I can't even imagine what you feel like after LIVING this nightmare!

While of course the awful behaviors of your SD leave a lot to be concerned about, it is the behavior of your DH that is most troubling to me. His parenting (or lack thereof) and setting boundaries for this child are definitely leaving disastrous effects in their wake. And you, unfortunately, are smack dab in the middle of SDs wrath!

I, too, am dealing with a DH who only looks at their "little princess" with serious blinders. Luckily for me, I am able to disengage and have zero relationship with this child, but it still pains me to see the horrible path her life is taking because my DH refuses to impose even the simplest of consequences on any of her unacceptable behaviors. He actually admitted to me that he is 'afraid' to do it because she might react badly! And she knows it.

What a recipe for disaster. And I have to stand back with my hands tied and my mouth shut and just watch this train wreck unfold before my eyes.

I just don't know what to tell you other than your DH needs to seriously 'grow a pair' (as I have told mine), grow up and be a parent. There's no other easy way to say it. Until HE does it and you are both on the same page, your SD is just in for more of the same.

I'm so sorry you have to go through this.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

StepLightly's picture

Your DH needs to drop his nuts and set some major boundaries. Just say that to him! 5 Teens' DH recently dropped his (if you read her recent post!), and we are all so proud of him! Wink

now4teens's picture

And I am VERY proud of my DH and him standing up to his oldest SD yesterday and making it known that she cannot "put me in the corner" (so to speak).

But it's definitely baby steps. And DH has a LONG way to go, especially with his middle SD16- his "Little Princess", the "Golden Child" who can do no wrong. With this one, it's going to be a definite LONG road ahead, especially since he just admitted to me last week that he was actually AFRAID of imposing consequnces on her!

What can I say? One step forward, two steps back!
But I'm hanging in there.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

StepLightly's picture

I know the DH is the same with his youngest, BUT I have noticed a huge difference in him. Oh yeah....he's had it!