Step Father busting in on naked pre teen step daughters!
I just found out from my step kids that at their bm's house, her boyfriend is constantly busting into the bathroom when one of the kids are bathing or getting changed from having a shower. The eldest girl sd12 says he does it to her all the time. He bangs on the door to the bathroom, then just walks in before she has managed to grab a housecoat. We asked again to be very clear if she is naked when he comes in and she said yes! Then SD9 says he does it to her to. SS9 agreed that this guy walks in whenever he wants.
They then went on to tell my husband and I that if they are in the bath and this boyfriend has decided he needs to relieve himself (pee), that he'll walk into the bathroom while whatever one of the kids is in the tub totally visible to him, he'll pull the shower curtain and unzip his pants and pee with them in the room!
Am I insane or is this totally 100% inappropriate!?! I just keep thinking that if it was a teacher that walked into the girls change room during school, the teacher would be fired and charged! Why does this guy think he can do this without repercussion?!
Does anyone have any advice or info on this subject matter? I would greatly appreciate it. We've called CPS on a few different occasions about less and they will be recieving another call first thing when their office opens tomorrow. But I wanted to come here and see what everyone had to say.
Oh and when we asked the kids if they had told their mom, they said yes, but all she does is huff and puff about it and never actually does anything. We asked them about locking the bathroom door and they said that they aren't allowed to lock the door in case they slip in the tub because no one could get to them.
Ya that's what I was
Ya that's what I was thinking. And going back and looking at the past few years....SD9 would never change her underwear from her bm's. I always washed their clothes that they would show up in (we have clothes here for them) and they would change back into those CLEAN clothes before we sent them back to BM's. SD9 would show back up on Saturday morning wearing the EXACT same pair of underwear I had given her to put on Sunday night the week before. She was going 5 days in the same pair. I honestly had never seen dirty underwear like that before. Dry pee and uncleanliness caked on. I mean caked. I asked her about it in the most non scary way but didn't get any answers. She also used to hide the underwear from her mom's house here behind her dresser. I have no clue why. SS9 has always had issues with not going to the bathroom. He has accidents often enough to be considered a little on the strange side. I'm really trying to believe that it is not abuse, but it just seems all to weird to not atleast consider it. And a long time ago when this man first came into the picture, the BM broke up with him for about a week...but called us to tell us all about it and said that the guy left a note for SD(now 9, then about 4) telling her how he would miss her and that he had promised her mother all these things and now couldn't deliver. It was creepy and weird. I'm so creeped out right now! My husband is about to go off the deep end! At this point he wants nothing more than to put this guy in his grave - obviously he won't, but he wishes he could.
OMG. my sf did this exact
OMG. my sf did this exact same crap to me when i was a kid. EVERY time i took a bath, he had to pee. didn't even knock, just walked in on me. from the time i was 11 on up to 14, which was when my mother threw me in the hospital for mental issues because i was sick and tired of the way i was being treated. the solution of course is to lock me up and make it look like i have a problem rather than face the fact that she was married to an abusive pervert. i told one of the counselors at the hospital that i wasn't asking for much. i wanted a damn lock on the bathroom door because i was sick of him walking in on me ALL THE TIME. so he put up a lock, and got really shitty about it, saying to me "there! there's your goddam lock!" like it was so ridiculous of me to want some f'g privacy in the bathroom! i was a very early bloomer, too. i was a C cup at 11 years old, so while i was a child, i had the body of a grown woman.
at that age, i thought he was just a jerk. as an adult, i realized he was doing it so he could see me naked. my mom knew this was happening and did NOTHING. she refused to admit that everything about the way things were was dysfunctional. after all, i'm just a kid (with big boobs and curves), who cares if i'm seen naked? she asked me just a few years ago if he ever molested me. they divorced years ago and he's now passed. i told her now was a fine time to be asking. apparently she knew all along what he did was wrong, but didn't want to speak up and anger him because God forbid he leave her! better to have her daughter sexually abused and still have a POS dh than to protect her daughter and be divorced!
it is inappropriate and most likely this scumbag will up the ante and eventually he'll find excuses to touch these children. dh needs to raise some serious hell about this. i would skip the head in the sand mom and go right to court with what these girls have told you. they are not safe with that loser or their idiot mother.
That really is awful. I'm so
That really is awful. I'm so sorry that happened to you.
^^^^ THIS ^^^^
^^^^ THIS ^^^^
We are not on speaking terms
We are not on speaking terms with BM. Everything is through email and this is of course the first we have heard of all of this. So we're just trying to get our facts together and we're going to send off an email tonight asking that she handle the situation but also tell her that we are reporting her bf for the inappropriate behaviour and reporting her for neglecting her children when they bring something like this up. CPS has been called before for things like her leaving them alone, allowing her bf to mentally beat the kids down, trying to alienate my husband (the kids bio dad), driving around without booster seats or working seat belts, leaving them with sitters who left them alone and made them ride on the floor of vans so the cops wouldn't see that she had dogs on her seats instead of kids ect! The list goes on and on. She was reported for this stuff because she knew all about it, the kids told her and we told her and she didn't do a damn thing about any of it.
CPS isn't open in that area until 9am. It's a small town and no other office in a near by city will take the call. We've tried before and told unless a child is actually being beaten at that time, to call back at 9am when the office opens. Sad isn't it. That's why I fear nothing will be done.
Bi, I am so sorry you had to go through all of that.
thank you, pcd. bm sounds so
thank you, pcd. bm sounds so much like my mother. she was leaving my brother and i home alone at 5 and 7 years old. nothing mattered to her except her dh. we were just food stamps and an adc check (cash assistance) from the state to her.
CPS is worthless pretty much anywhere. sadly and infuriatingly, unless a child is ripped open and bleeding from her vagina, nothing will be done. they NEVER prevent anything, they only half ass step in after something has happened. what's really bad is that i bet if someone reported me and said i neglect my kids, they would come and take them with no explanation. that seems to be how it works. i'm not sure i would even let bm know anything. she already knows and does nothing but get mad, like my mom. chances are good that these girls will be punished for saying anything to you and dh. i would just make that call to cps in the morning and encourage the girls to talk to their teachers about it. teachers are mandated reporters, and maybe cps would take that more seriously than they would dh.
I highly doubt the bm will do
I highly doubt the bm will do anything at all. She's the type that latches onto whoever will give her attention. Currently she is about to pop out this scumbags baby! She will never kick him out. And the kids she had with my husband are 100% a pay check for her. She spends zero on them and spends all her government support and child support on herself and her boyfriend. The kids are forced to wear hammy down clothes that don't fit or aren't gender appropriate from the thrift store down the street. But, CPS won't do anything about that either. It's so frustrating!!!
oh he seems thrilled about
oh he seems thrilled about this baby. It's a boy though so it's an innocent little baby he can corrupt into treating women like whores and acting like a thug. That's basically this guy in a nut shell. It's pathetic.
Why don't they lock the door
Why don't they lock the door when they are in there?
So here is where we now
So here is where we now stand...we decided that CPS more than likely will just sit on their asses. As they never do anything until something bad happens and it's already too late. So we wrote to BM (no we are not on speaking terms with her and that is our choice, not hers. Too many legal loop holes when we don't have her and our words on paper, plus we hate her and don't want to have to hear her voice lol) We laid it all out on the line and told her she needs to stop being afraid her bf will leave her and stand up for her kids. That we do not want to hear that the kids got in trouble for anything and that we will be on top of this situation for the remainder of the time the kids live in the house. We told her that it is disgusting and beyond inappropriate for a grown man to walk in on the girls when they are naked and curtain closed or not, it is never going to be okay for him to pee with them in the room! That if we hear of anything of the sort happening again that we will be taking her to court and have our family's full financial support behind us. We explained that we are through dealing with CPS and they will not be our call if and when we ever need to make one. For someone who doesn't like to respond to us about anything at all, she wrote back pretty quick and although she immediately tried to blame the kids (saying that they walk in on people too) she said she had spoken to everyone there and it will stop. We then had to write her back and tell her that kids follow the direction of the parents and if they are walking in on the kids, the kids don't know any better. She just kept saying that with only 1 bathroom it's an issue when they take so long. So we came up with rules for her for her bathroom! How insane is it that she can't manage to come up with a set of guidelines to ensure everyone gets the time in the bathroom they need!
Anyway, after an entire day of emailing back and forth and putting her in her place with every excuse she made, it seems (*HOPEFULLY*) that this won't be happening anymore. Time can only tell at this point. And to be honest, the guy is never going to admit to looking at them on purpose. And without any previous history of this behavour it will be damn hard to prove he's a pig and doing it on purpose if that's the case. Atleast to the cops. Court would be a different story. So that's where we are headed if we ever hear of this again.
*Dreaming of the days that life was simple...I think I was 4*
I wouldn't take her word for
I wouldn't take her word for anything. I'm sorry you all have to experience this and even more sorrier... (not a word I know) that CPS never seems to help when its needed. What a wonderful system we are suppose to believe in.
Sounds like BM is putting her
Sounds like BM is putting her own needs first. Try your best to help those little could escalate from stepfather seeing them nude into something worse.![Sad](
We are for sure keeping an
We are for sure keeping an eye on the situation. The one bargaining tool we have is that the last time BM took us to court, she lost in a big way. She has no money and is pregnant again with her bf's child. She does NOT want to be taken to court. Especially considering she has had CPS called on her 3 times by 3 seperate people. Add this to the mix plus all the stuff we have documented and she knows she doesn't have too much to go on. So by us threatening her with a court date and a custody battle, she will do what we ask. Our concern now is that it probably won't be long before she "forgets" all about it or starts to feel comfortable again and allows the next shitty thing to happen. So our best bet is to just ensure we have an open dialogue with the kids and make sure they know they can tell us anything at all. And just keep on hounding BM about every little thing so she's knows we're watching her every move. And I know you're not suppose to bring kids into the issues between parents and everyone always freaks out when kids end up knowing too much by talking to a parent, but do you ever find out the truth if you don't ask.
I agree are a good
I agree are a good stepmom!![Smile](
Have you contacted social
Have you contacted social services in the county where the BM lives. By law all cases reported have to be looked into.
Keep us all posted please. Kids are blessed to have you in their lives, good luck!
I've been lurking here for a
I've been lurking here for a long time, and this tread compelled me to join.
Sounds so much like what was going on with my SDs. They now live with me & SO F/T, for 3 years now. Turns out the SF was beating 2 and molesting the other. My SD was 12 @ the time, with B cups & perfect sz 7 :sick:
This type of thing sounds just like the stuff my SD's SF used to do. He's currently under a court order of no contact, and awaiting trial for sex assault and assault w/a weapon x6.
This SF that is busting in on tween girls in the bathroom is a pedophile, no doubt in my mind.
As useless as CPS is, please report it. So when the poop hits the fan, and I know it will, you can say you did all you could.
As a man without any bio
As a man without any bio children, raised 2 SD's , and raising another 2 SD's...
A situation like this would make me INSANE...
I would check out the locale hardware store for a PORTABLE Lock mechanism...
I would give them each one... and for there rooms...
I would probably give them a spares too... (in case they get taken away)
I have no more wisdom to add... just my sympathy...
My SD14 and SS13 live with
My SD14 and SS13 live with us...I have another SS22 who of course visited regularly. In the 9 years my husband and I have been together I accidentally walked in on the SS22 while he was dressing (he was 14 at the time). There is no reason for this and I grew up in a house with 3 girls and one bathroom, and my Dad never walked in on any of us.
We're an open family and the kids come in the bath and talk to me while I'm in the shower or stand outside the door and talk while I get ready. We all walk around in underwear or other states of being half dressed...we're family, but we never see each other naked.
This guy has issues and I wouldn't let him around my kids.
I like the portable lock
I like the portable lock idea. Cheaper would be a simple wood wedge which can be jammed under the door at floor level. Tell them to slip it under the closed door. If he opens the door it'll jam down which will require them to wiggle it to un-jam it when they want out. A sideways kick may be necessary. Have them practice at your home.
The BM is putting her emotional/sexual needs ahead of his children and should lose her children except for supervised visitation. As a father I would write (via Certified Mail Return Receipt) my ex that if this happens again I am suing for custody. This will terrify most mothers but who's to say in this situation?
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