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Teenage Boys and Eating!

Poppycleo's picture

Hi everyone.  I’m so glad I stumbled across this place! I’m a new step-Mum to a 16 year old boy who eats nothing but junk food.  It came to a head over Easter when he would not stop complaining to his father that there was no food in the house (there was, just not junk food!). He even wrote a list of what we should buy, and that there should be more variety in the dinners!  When I asked him what he wanted for dinner he said stir fries, schnitzel, curries, pork chops and takeaways.  Fair enough to most of his requests but the fact is his father and I cook a lot of variety meal wise - just not what he wants.  Last night we made a roast chicken with lots of roast vegetables.  What does TB (teenage boy) do?  He gets some chicken, cuts off a large piece of French bread, adds tomato and lettuce , takes out the potatoes from the roast and then eats it.  I was like WTF and his Dad said not a word!  I’m inclined now to not go out of my way to cook anything for him as it’s not appreciated. He also wanted fresh bread not frozen but I end up putting the bread in the freezer because it isn’t eaten!

This kid is fixated on junk food and could not wait for the supermarket to be open yesterday.  They came back with packets of biscuits (one pack was devoured in hours of purchase), snack bars, chippies, instant noodles and snax.  

The only fruit he will eat is bananas (sometimes - I end up freezing it).  

His Dad doesn’t like it but he gives in to the constant demands due to historic guilt.  

I don’t know why this is bothering me so much!  I should just leave him to it as it’s his Dad’s problem, but I can’t help comparing him to how my children were brought up!  Advice please!!

Ladystark's picture

Food is a pain in the butt.  My 9year old bs, has picked up bored eating- he is with dad during week- i have him weekends- he snack eats horribly...  but i have been on a junk food clean out- as for medical reasons for me, i have to lose weight!  Ive been slowly changing to low sodium, more all natural things.

My issue is price- and how much you get for a price.

Going healthy is a little rough on the wallet- and the 14year old stepson- eating machine- he does not complain much but he tears up some healthy food!!  A couple of nights ago the teen came home from school ate a snack(which was a meal) then ate some chips- ate dinner- ate a sandwich- then a snack!  Weekends are even worse!  I wont even talk about drinks- and he is not done growing yet- docs think he might be 6'2 or3. He right now is 6'!!!!!!    I need the jetsons technology now!!

lieutenant_dad's picture

You cook one meal. He can eat it, he can make himself something different, or his dad can cook/buy him junk food with his own money.

I wouldn't fight this. It won't be worth it. However, if he were my SS and if he shoved a piece of paper in my face telling me what I should buy, unsolicited, I'd rip it up in front of him and tell DH he is responsible for feeding HIS son at ALL times. That means SS isn't to eat so much as a crumb of food that is paid for or prepped by you.  Not wanting to eat food that is already cooked is his prerogative. However, to tell you what to feed him and demand it is disrespectful and should not be accepted or rewarded.

Poppycleo's picture

Have to agree with what you’ve said.  His Dad does buy the food for him but I get tired of hearing the whining and nagging when he’s eaten it all.  So far this morning he’s got out of bed at 11, (school holiday today), devoured 2 packs of noodles, 1 protein bar and a hot chocolate drink - all in the first hour!  Needless to say, the fresh bread he desperately wanted is still in the pack unopened and expiring tomorrow!  

Its just that I believe the poor nutrition intake is definitely affecting his moods and we all have to suffer through them!

tankh21's picture

I agree with lieutenant_dad. If the kid doesn't want to eat what you cook then he can make something else or dad can buy him what he wants with his own money. OP do you are your DH have a joint account?

Ispofacto's picture

Processed carbs and sugar are highly addictive.  Ravenous hunger happens when you are coming down from a sugar high and your insulin is dropping.  Avoiding carbs is how I stay fit.

But both my boys were both growing a lot at that age.  DS22 could eat two quarterpounders with cheese, xlarge fries, and a milkshake in one sitting when he was 14-16.  At least ramen is cheap.

SD14 has major food issues.  I stopped buying what she wants.  I told DH if that stuff comes in the house I will get rid of it, so he doesn't buy it either.  We eat the stuff we buy, so it won't go to waste.  SKs can eat what is available, or go hungry.