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What would you do?

young_stepmomma25's picture

Ok so here's a brief on my story:
I've been a member on here for a year, I just haven't posted in a while. I'm now 27, pregnant with twins & living with my fiance and his two kids (the son is 12 & his daughter is 14).
Last night, I thought to check on my SD14 Facebook page to see if all is well, since her dad is totally oblivious to his kids' lives online. So, upon checking her page, I see a video of her twerking. I was furious! My fiance was in a deep sleep after working an 10hr shift and I decided on waking him up to show him. He then began to search through her page to see what else was up there. After he felt he seen enough, he called her in to confront her about it. All he did was say "Don't do that...blah blah blah" no real repercussions. I was livid because if my parents had caught me doing something like that I'd be punished, phone & internet privileges would be cut off and God knows what! I didn't want to speak up because I wasn't sure if that was my place. I feel as if he just can't discipline his children without feeling guilt. Was I supposed to interfere and say something? What kind of action would you have taken if you found your teenager doing something inappropriate online?

twoviewpoints's picture

"Was I supposed to interfere and say something? "

Not in the middle of Dad's useless little lecture. No. The time to discuss your differences in parenting tactic and come to agreements as to how the two of you will stand together in appropriate rules/expectations and consequences if prior to him calling the daughter in. I agree that Dad is too lax in his monitoring his kids internet/phone usage and that teens running wild on the items deserve to have the instrument removed.

Your ideas as to what should happen are correct, just of the timing of it. For one, kiddo will run all over both of you if she thinks she can pit one adult against the other. Especially if SD picks up on the fact the Daddy might defend her against mean ol' SM.

hereiam's picture

Considering that you are pregnant with his children, I would be concerned about what kind of a parent he's going to be to them.

My DH would have done a lot more than say, "Don't do that," had his daughter ever done something like that at that age. But, if he hadn't, I don't know what I could have done about it.

I guess it depends on what kind of relationship you have with your SD. Do you feel comfortable talking to her about it? I would at least try to stress to her the consequences of putting things like that on social media.

It could be he just didn't want to deal with it at the time and was half asleep.

young_stepmomma25's picture

Wow that was a delusional statement but how does any of that justify her behavior online? I'm curious as to how your mind works in that case...

young_stepmomma25's picture

While you're stuck in the 1950s ma'am, I do respect your opinion however I never asked for your personal opinion on your beliefs of what YOU feel. However, I am done entertaining your opinion and I will say this. Whether or not I am married, it should not warrant such behavior. If you had read what i have posted, you would've seen I did in fact consult the father. Again, thank you for your response have a blessed day.

young_stepmomma25's picture

While you're stuck in the 1950s ma'am, I do respect your opinion however I never asked for your personal opinion on your beliefs of what YOU feel. However, I am done entertaining your opinion and I will say this. Whether or not I am married, it should not warrant such behavior. If you had read what i have posted, you would've seen I did in fact consult the father. Again, thank you for your response have a blessed day.

bi's picture

Just ignore her, young stepmomma. She never sticks to the issue at hand. I have been with SO for almost 10 years and we have 2 kids and a home together. We aren't married. Maybe we will, maybe we won't. Makes not a damn bit of difference in how we raise our kids. People are stupid. Sometimes you just have to keep scrolling because the willfully stupid are going to stay that way.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Wow ~ don't compare yourself as a step parent ??? Are you kidding me ? What if they never chose to get married ~ silence should be her stand ???

I have been engaged for 6 years ~ I nor my DF needs a piece of paper to teach our children respect !!

Ridiculous !

young_stepmomma25's picture

This! Thank you! I read that & almost lost it but I can't fix stupid LOL. Seriously, teaching children respect for themselves is NOT based on whether I'm married or not!

Disneyfan's picture

That's the thing, some people may view the choices you have made (living with a man you aren't married to and having a child out of wedlock) as signs of not respecting yourself. I did both of those things, so I'm not saying your choices are wrong.

Since SD isn't your kid, you don't get a say in the punish. Dad may feel the talk had with her is enough.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

I see the kool aid has been consumed today !!! WTF ~

So just because I live with my DF makes me disrespectful. I am in a more committed relationship with this man than hubby. My children should have morals & manners ~ period.

We as parent figures should guide them along in their lives ~ but a piece of paper plays no role in discipline.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Oh yes married people cheat ~ hubby did.

My point is my current relationship is a respectful , loving & committed relationship ~ I don't need a piece of paper to bond my relationship to my DF. The marriage license doesn't need to be present to handle disrespectful children.

moeilijk's picture

One my 75 yo mother's best friends, also 75, has recently moved in with his 72 yo girlfriend. They have sex. They are not married.

In other news, teens are having sex.

young_stepmomma25's picture


SecondGeneration's picture

Congrats on the twins! That must be exciting and scary knowing it'll be double trouble!
Teenagers and inappropriate internet usage is a common topic these days and its another on the long list of behaviours that are that much harder to tackle if the two households are dealing with it (or ignoring it) differently.
Clearly you need to be having a sit down with your fiance and seeing how big a deal he thinks it is, personally if hes already "spoken" to her hes already dealt with this instance so it'd be wrong and too late to now give additional punishment for it but clearly you are going to want to be telling him that either you or he needs to be checking her online activities more frequently. Explain the dangers and all the lectures to SD and on the next occassion she looses internet access, etc. Its going to be a toughie but hey what in life is easy?

Dont worry about HRNYC, you are never going to be doing the right thing. Now you are in the bad books because you are living together, unmarried and pregnant! Such a scandal that it is, but had you gotten married before living together then you'd be being called foolish for rushing into marriage.
I dont buy the whole bad example thing, because lets face it, how many of us waited until we were married before having sex? Teaching good morals about sexual relationships isnt about pieces of paper to state you are married or not, its about teaching the individual to have respect for their bodies and other people. One of the reasons theres so much "under age" sexual activities (in my opinion) is because the media and porn industries make sex out to be something its not, young hormone fuelled teens get a completely warped view because their parents go on about sex within marriage, if they broach the subject at all.

young_stepmomma25's picture

Thank you, SecondGeneration! I thought maybe I'd have a sit down with her alone to talk to her how those actions might attract negative feedback but thought against it since maybe her father's lecture or lack thereof was rather enough.

young_stepmomma25's picture

I really thought this site had reasonable parents on here oh boy was I wrong! I asked about a teenager's behavior not rash opinions on my life. If a piece of paper meant morality within humanity, then we're screwed! I mean seriously, I never said I wasn't getting married nor have I said anything deflecting that matter. But if you're on this site married & living the Disney life, please tell me why you're on here...I'm dying to know.

young_stepmomma25's picture

Love that quote! Thanks on the congrats! I will do just that....leave it up to daddy. With mine, I will hope he'd toughen up a little bit though.

Maxwell09's picture

So back to the point of the Original Post which has nothing to do with OPs marriage status…

Your Sd is one of many girls that are doing this. Some parents don't think monitoring their youth is a big deal. Even though I agree with you about it not being acceptable social media content, I really think you brought this on yourself. You went snooping checking for trouble, you found it and woke up your DH to deal with it. He dealt with it in the way that he saw fit. You can tell him that you don't agree with the way he dealt with the situation and that if you y'all have a girl or two that they will be held to a different standard of self respect than he has for his own daughter. But that's about all you can really do in a situation like this. Teens will be teens hormones and all. Twerking is atrocious in my opinion but its also not as bad as it could be in the big scheme of things. I will tell you this that as mad and disappointed as you felt seeing her acting like that is nothing compared to how disappointed your SO probably felt seeing his baby girl acting like that for all to see.

moeilijk's picture

Tommar, I'm pretty sure that most parents of teenagers would prefer that their teen twerk it up rather than have a baby.

That's not really the discussion though. If it were, I'd order me up some twerking and chillax through those teen years!

onthefence2's picture

I also homeschool and know of families like this. I have a "line" but I am not quite as strict with my kids. I monitor everything and we have discussions about various topics that come up. I check computers and iPods and see what they are doing on them. I read things in this forum all the time that make me sad for the next generation. It's nice to read about families who don't abandon their kids to the "culture."

Rags's picture

Good luck trying to raise viable adults with this idiot as the father. On any number of occassions during our brain fart teen boy years when my younger brother or me shoved our heads up our own asses mom and dad owned our idiot asses.

Your donor can't manage to raise a single child to a state of reasonable judgement and behavior, how do you or he expect to be successful raising twins together?

IMHO of course.