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Separated & appreciating...

StepUltimate's picture

...  peace & calm, as DH agreed to move out temporarily. No mantrums, love-bombing, or daily infomercials on newly-purchased expensive stuff (specific outdoor/sport activity equipment & gear, think REI on steroids). No anxiety counting down until DH comes home, because he's not here. Rented a place from his friend, temporary but at least he's gone. 


7 years

Aj3683's picture

7 years and i think i checked out from my stepkids. Ive been raising them for 7 years now and i honestly cant help but to tap out now. They are not bad kids they just dont listen to me. My wife interferes often i cant discipline them take things away or have any means of correcting them. Idk what to do anymore. My wife always tells me i need to take their feelings into consideration. But i have feelings also and i honestly get the worse thrown at me because i chose not to have children. I chose to be with someone who already had kids. I knew what it was. Im at my ends.


Exercise in communication made things worse…waaaaaay worse

blessedwithstress's picture

Well THAT went over like a whore in church. We met with BM and all of the discussion related to the birthday party went off without a hitch.

Then I decided it was time to defend my household and call BM out on her bullsh*t.


A Big Rant

morrginme's picture

Me? Mean?

I'm unreasonable. I'm not fair. I'm always causing problems. I'm abusive. I hurt confidence and crush self-esteem. I only have negative things to say. I like to point out flaws and laugh at mistakes. I'm lazy and use all the money on myself. I brainwash my spouse and favor my own child. 

Why not take it a bit further. What's an evil stepmom really like? At first it's difficult to imagine myself as mean stepmom because I'm not one, but luckily I have a very vivid imagination. 
