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Let's get ready to rumble

blessedwithstress's picture

The school year hasn’t even begun yet but the teachers are starting to send out emails and reminders about upcoming events. The HS band is going on a trip to Chicago – naturally both skids want to go. Actually, both skids expect to go. There has never been any hint of doubt that they would. *cough*entitled*cough* Being the only financially responsible parent in this three-some, I started scanning the budget for future months looking for places to squeeze in the monthly payments for this trip.


Monday Blues

CLove's picture

Anyone else nervous about the "hell" idays?

I guess Ive got the Monday Blues.

To summate:

1. I am still a temp, but yet still making decent money. I really hate this job too. Monday Blues.

2. We got a thorough home inspection. Basically, everything wrong we knew about, plus a few additionals. Like the fact that we cant turn the furnace on because there are cracks in it, plus asbestos in one side of the house heating ducts. It will be a cold winter. Monday Blues.
