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The things that I have learned through divorce, remarriage and blended families

12yrstepmonster's picture

I was brought up in a concept that it takes a village to raise a child. My grandmother lived with me for the first 9 yrs of my life, after that we still had daily contact. I knew that if I screwed up in the neighborhood, i would get a tongue lashing from the neighbor, and my parents would know before I got home. I was brought up that children were to be seen not heard, and that I was a direct reflection upon my parents, and that you respect your elders.

When I divorced, I moved in with my parents (mom and sd). They helped raise my daughter (10mo at the time) while I went to school. After graduation I stayed on with them, my sdad babysat, was my taxi service for DD back and forth to school. More importantly my dd was brought up with the same concept that family pulls together to help the one with the broken wing. I respected my parents home, I didn't like living there, but it allowed me to give a life to my daughter that we would not have had at the time- it was welfare, or parents). SHe had my sdad wrapped around her little finger by the time she was 18 months old. She walked on water - and he did too! my mom and sdad actually successfully blended a family. While my step sibs are not as "close" as my bio brother- we have one thing in common - our parents and it is enough to bring us together an keep in contact.

Right after my divorce, my mother sat me down (she was a NCP, and so was my SD). She let me rant rave and say mean things about my ex. Then we put our wine glasses down, and she what are you really going to do - because the one thing you need to understand is that custody can change at any given moment, and you need to learn to treat him like you would want to be treated if he had custody. SO I was one of those annoying ex wives that constantly called.

I gave update about doctors appts
Dentist appts
school activities
daycare providers and choices
ear piercings
drivers ed
bad attitudes and fights.
cell phones,
first tooth
first steps

He was a long distance dad from the time that she was 2.5. He received 90% of her school papers, knew what was talked about in every parent teacher conference.

If he would have helped me make the decision when we were married he helped me make it as her parent. In 19 years I never took him back for more support even though he is making 2 times what he was making when we divorced (she is a full time college student and we live in a state where he would have to help with that and support until 21). I never even thought about it. Occasionally I had to ask him for something extra. He obliged. He's remarried now has a young ss, I try not to ask for help now as I know he has a new family.

When I remarried, I did everything to be included and to include skids in our family. DH is NCP - I was met with resistance from the BM. Our 12 years have been hard, they have taken their toll on me. I took my role serious. I treated the skids like my own- what does that mean? They had beds, rooms, clothes, toys and experiences. If I would do it for mine I would do it for his. I love them dearly which is the reason that I am angry about what I have lost. I have lost the opportunity to love them, to know them, to be a part of their lives. They have lost the opportunity to love me, to know me, and to be a part of my life.

What would I like to tell BM
It takes a village to raise a child. I am not the mother, didn't want to be, but could have been a part of their lives that would have made your life easier.
I could have curtailed my husband's anger and turned that around into respect for you as a parent, instead your treatment of him regarding his place in his children's lives fueled even more - it became an all consuming inferno - I would like to thank you for that Sad - it almost engulfed me to.
My skids could have and would have had everything or most everything that you wanted them to have (except the car).

BM, most of all...........they would have had their dad's love and involvement. For all your insecurities and fears you insisted on taking that away. 3 yr old children don't tell their BM's that they hate their dads house without guidance to hate. SS loved me we were inseparable. SD would have loved being here if you had told her that it was ok to love me. OH you said you did.

You have your children- congratulations - you have entitled children who hate their dad, who are angry and depressed, who have been in counseling for 4 yrs to deal with their "rough" life.

I sit back, toast my mom and say thanks, I treated my ex as I wanted to be treated if I was a NCP. I never lost sight that EX was the dad, as such he had certain rights, above all he had the right to be a parent and be treated as such.

just my thoughts tonight as I am sad that my skids are not a part of my family.


New Mama's picture

I, too, want to be a mom to SS7 especially since he doesn't have a mom. DH and his parents just won't let me. They act like I'm going to beat him when they're out of the room or something. I still do my best to treat him as my own - he has his own room that I painted his favorite color, I make sure he has clean clothes that fit, he has snacks for school, help with homework, go to parent/teacher conferences, set doctor appointments, and I make sure that DH knows when he has special events at school so he can have what he needs. But somewhere, someone down the line told SS7, DH and DH's parents that I'm crappy mom and don't deserve to be around SS7. That's how they treat me. And it's ripping our family apart.

If for some reason DH and I don't make it thru raising SS7 I will treat him exactly how I want to be treated. Thank you for this post!

12yrstepmonster's picture

If you can, get into marriage counseling. I think it has helped DH and I. We have been on the brink of divorce twice now. But you have to learn to communicate, to trust and to believe in your relationship.

herewegoagain's picture

Great post. I couldn't agree with you more. I never wanted to replace BM. I never tried to get skid to call me mom. I did everything for her that I would have done for my son, and that in fact, I now do with my son. I talk to my son about the importance of doing good in school, about the importance of treating others nicely, about saying please and thank you, about family not always being perfect, but at the end, about how mom and dad love you more than anything. He is the joy of not just our lives, but of most of my neighbors. He's the child who goes up to adults where we live and gives them a hug and says good day, good morning, have a great day, happy Valentine's day, etc...He calls old men here gentleman and they adore him because he shows them such respect. Last night, at the age of 10, he even marinated pork chops, made a ceasar salad and grilled the meat...he then set the table and made sure to include a plate for our neighbor so that she too could eat. When he sees someone down, especially women, he tells them "you look beautiful today...your hair is so pretty or you have beautiful eyes..." anything to cheer them up and make them smile. Instead, BM, your need to get revenge, your need to sc#$%$#%ew my DH has only hurt your daughter's relationship with him. In your attempt to make her hate her dad as much as you hate him, you have allowed her to constantly tell her dad to f$#%#$5ck off, that he's a f#$%$#%ing loser...which has really just broken DHs heart...but more importantly, he has distanced himself because nobody can deal with someone constantly telling them to f#$%45ck off or that they are a loser...especially someone they love. Great job BM. Too bad that your needs were so great, that you allowed your daughter to have such low self-esteem that she is known as the hs sl#$%$5t...the girl who will give in to the first guy she meets so that she can feel some love...great job BM. Most of all, I am angry because you took my son's sister away...and for that, I just cannot forgive you.

To my neighbors, not all who I love and sometimes get a bit to nosey, I still thank you because you too watch out for my too will say to him "don't do X" and help him realize that wether mom is there by his side or not, there are others that could be impacted and thus you always do what is right...