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Seriously, how old are we?! Can you live in the same town as BM and her family?

AmIReallyTheStepParentHere's picture

Warning: Don't say hello to me unless your fully prepared to talk to me! I know I should have just left her alone but I really couldn't help it.. Can I blame it on the pregnancy hormones?...

Was out shopping today, when I ran into breeders BM. Here is some background on this vile woman. She told us about a year ago that she was going to die soon, according to her doctor, if she didn't lose some weight soon. That her poor heart just couldn't take it much longer. I hadn't seen this woman since then, until today. Let me just say that she is NOT following doctors orders at all! She has most likely gained about 60-80 pounds :jawdrop: :sick:
Luckily SD was not with me, cause that would have been even more uncomfortable...
Anyway, apparently breeder had her third child recently (knew that was coming, and DH already told breeder we would NOT be coming to see her). Vile lady says hello to me, and then calls me trash. She said she couldn't understand what kind of trash wouldn't take a child to see their mother after they had another child. (The kind of trash that doesn't violate CO!) I couldn't help it, I sometimes have verbal vomit, and it came out.
I said, "Excuse me? Your daughter is trash, and DH had a stupid moment and played in the trash. (Borrowed that from someone on here Wink *THANK YOU*) I get to take care of the result everyday of my life, and I couldn't be happier."
But it didn't stop there...
I asked her who was going to take care of breeders newest child, since she did so well with the first 2... oh wait, she doesn't have any custody of the first 2, only supervised visits. "Well, I've heard third time is a charm."
Vile woman then told me something I already knew! She told me that I married DH.... Um, seriously. I know who I married, I was THERE!! I told her I couldn't be happier with how our family turned out, and SD was the most beautiful flower girl there has ever been.
And when she turned to leave, I just couldn't stop. Since I am pregnant, I had to let it out... So I called after her: "Be sure to extend my invitation to breeder to come visit me in the hospital, I'm due early August!"
... Is it bad that I am slightly disappointed that she didn't even turn around?