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Sometimes BM makes me smile.. In a 'I am trying to imagine how many rocks are stuffed in your head' kinda way

AmIReallyTheStepParentHere's picture

BM sent DH a text message last night. The whole "sorry I have been to busy to call or anything remotely looking like I care at all about SD"
DH ignored the text and we went to bed.
This morning we wake up another text.
"I have an Easter basket for SD"
For those that missed my last blog, BM tells everyone that she has things for SD and she would like to come drop them off. Not going to happen unless she sets up a visit(supervised). She can mail them, DH can pick them up at determined location, hell; she could even toss them out the window as she drives by our house.
DH tells her that's fine, she should set up a visit and bring them. As long as their unwrapped and he sees them first its fine.
BM starts bitching about how she doesn't need supervised visits (if you remember you left SD, then 1 year old, with a RSO against minors along with the other things that happened while she was in your care) and blah blah blah..
DH stops replying.
So BM says this: "That's OK, I'll just change the CO"

Um.. really. I wanted DH to text back and ask just how she plans on doing that. Unless they both sign a paper saying they agree on the changes, BM would have to take DH back to court. The whole process would start again.. The mediator they were sent to advised BM that she would be wasting money and the court's time by taking this case to a courtroom to begin with. The case is that simple. BM had SD living in a house that most (excuse me) cracked out prostitutes would not even live in. But she had SD living there...

All I could do was smile. DH and I had a good laugh this morning. I told him I would start prepping the evidence if he called our lawyer. DH laughed and said to wait until she actually files something, this could be another "Easter basket" we have never seen; or birthday, or Christmas present, or like the CS money we never see. She wouldn't even know where the court house is if she hadn't just recently had to go file a RO against her newest baby daddy.

}:) I'm not a bad person for laughing at BM am I?