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AmIReallyTheStepParentHere's Blog

Sometimes BM makes me smile.. In a 'I am trying to imagine how many rocks are stuffed in your head' kinda way

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BM sent DH a text message last night. The whole "sorry I have been to busy to call or anything remotely looking like I care at all about SD"
DH ignored the text and we went to bed.
This morning we wake up another text.
"I have an Easter basket for SD"

Things I don't love... Kids Birthday Parties... Oh and DHs past getting rubbed in my face

AmIReallyTheStepParentHere's picture

Last night was a friends 1st birthday party for her son. First birthday parties are always the best right?... The kid has no idea what is going on, cake is every where... The grandparents come, family comes, friends with their children come. Its always fun when you get a group of children with ranging ages in one small room yelling "CAKE!!"

Why do I feel like I just shoved my own foot in my mouth? Sorry if this long.

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I am the STAH 'mom' for SD2. She is almost 3, and I have never seen a worse case of the 'terrible twos.' DH has sole custody, and BM has still yet to grace anyone with her presence at a visit. (They are supervised only). So while DH works 6 days a week, 10 hour days, I stay home with SD, all day every day. I wouldn't have it any different, most days... I am 20 weeks pregnant with my first, and exhausted. I have something called hyperemesis and I have actually lost weight so far in my pregnancy.

Balancing the CO, DHs feelings, and BM who thinks she can override the universe

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BM=Breeder. DH and I were talking the other night (more so, I was letting DH know everything that was on my mind)... and we (I) came to the conclusion that BM is a breeder. That is all she really is, but because SD is the result of her breeding incident with DH she thinks she can override everything when it comes to SD. The CO states that DH has full legal, physical, and custodial custody of SD, aside from breeders supervised parenting time which is set at every other Sunday for 3 hours, as long as breeder pays for visit up front.

It's been on my mind

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I've seen this topic come up a few times in others blogs, and I have been thinking about it alot lately. Would it be so awful if DH had just worn a condom with BM. They were not married, they did NOT plan on a child together, and they were already busy with BMs first child. Who decides to have a second child at this point?! DH and BM were fighting constantly before their relationship failed, and during that time BM took it upon herself to get her IUD removed. By the time DH finally took off BM had removed her IUD and it had been several months. Perfect condition for conception.

BM called last night to raise the living dead

AmIReallyTheStepParentHere's picture

BM called last night, big shocker! It had been 2 months since the last time she called. The length of the phone call: 1 minute 11 seconds. Sure SD is 2 but she is a very talkative and verbal 2. She can tell you what she did, who she saw, and what she had for dinner, but BMs life is so busy that she only has 1 minute to spare. She then texts DH to ask questions! BM is having her 3rd child any day now, and wanted to know if we would bring SD to the hospital when she does?!

Can you borrow WHAT?! Please tell me she did not just ask that!

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BM has not paid a dime in child support since the CO became official. Not a big problem, DH and I are financially secure atm to support ourselves and SD. Let the back CS amount grow for her, it would be nice to have the money each month to give SD extra things, or save for her college education, but BM can't be bothered to pay a dime towards SD.

New to this site. A brief history and hello

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Lately I am feeling like I am just sitting back and letting my life take hold of me. My DH has had full custody of SD2.5 since she was 16 months old. We have been married and together a little before that. After the ugly custody battle finally finished, BM was given supervised visits because of her criminal charges and the original reason my husband sought full custody. BM is ordered to pay CS (which has never been seen) and pay all costs associated with the supervised parenting time.