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OT - the Anikis have a grandson!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

We just zoomed with SS25, Mrs SS, and baby. 7 lbs 11 oz, 23 inches long, an adorable little mouth, and a full head of dark curls.

SS: Look, son! There's grandma and grandpa!

Mrs SS: They love you sooo much!

It's true... DH is over the moon and I am in love and cannot wait to kiss his precious little head! *air_kiss*


Kes's picture

So happy for you both!  xxx  I have 3 grandchildren, aged 13, 11 and 9 (two different families).  Here's to many happy years of grandparenting for you! 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Thank you, Winterglow! I honestly never expected to feel that surge of love hit me right in the feelies. ~gulp~

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Thanks, ESMOD! Being childless, Grandma is a title I never thought to have. I'm blessed to have it!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Thanks, Harry! I got a little carried away buying things. We sent some, will take some when we visit, and I already have items for Christmas. *blush*

Shieldmaiden's picture

Congratulations Aniki! I am so happy for you. Enjoy the sweet pudginess of your new grandson! Baby snuggles are the best!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Thanks, Shieldmaiden! I cannot wait to snuggle that baby and kiss his precious head. <3

Crspyew's picture

That is wonderful news.  Grandparenting is so much more fun than parenting!

Felicity0224's picture

Congratulations!! Watching my parents become grandparents was one of the greatest joys in my life. They've made it look like so much fun that I look forward to it myself, long in the future lol. I know you're going to love being a grandma! 

grannyd's picture

My dear Ani,

You have so much love to give and are such a fine person (no blushes, please, as I speak the truth) that you will shine as a granny. Hon, it's a definite win-win. Please congratulate Mr. Aniki on my behalf. ♥️

I have 2 step-grandsons who bring me such joy; they are charming, well-behaved and blessed with the same, quirky sense of humour as their 'Papa' (my DH). Enjoy the early years since it’s all too true that they whiz by. I can hardly believe that my boys are in their teens!