BioHo had a cow
No, she did not give birth to an actual cow (although she's big enough to do so...).
DH talked to PrincASS and they discussed DH visiting PrincASS over Thanksgiving. Foolishly (because he doesn't think about this shit), PrincASS mentioned it to BioHo.
So 'Ho called DH and pitched a major freaking HISSY fit. Why?
Can you believe that BS??? DH says he doesn't understand what the big problem is. Really, DH? You don't? REALLY?!?! So I bloody well told him. "Oh, please. That damn ho is a facking narcissistic control freak. She's freaking out because PrincASS is no longer under her control and because of that, she's trying to control YOU and make you bow down to HER wishes so she can see him. I bloody well hope you're not going to let that skanky facking wh0re DICTATE to you when YOU can see PrincASS. He's your son, too. Facking CUNextTuesday."
I made his hotel reservations for him... (Go DH!!)
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Girl crushing you today!
Facking CUNextTuesday - LOVE that!
~blushes~ Aw, thanks,
Aw, thanks, classyNJ!! Psssst... I did not actually say "facking"....
I'm not counting on it.
I'm not counting on it. PrincASS simply does not THINK about things like that. His head is too busy with too many other things and NOT with what a neurotic narcissist his 'ho of a mother is. I'm sure that 'Ho will find out that DH is going and it would not surprise me in the least if she figures out a way to get down there and visit with PrincASS BEFORE DH can. Or maybe she'll have an apoplectic fit...
Baby steps, Aniki, baby
Baby steps, Aniki, baby steps...
One good thing: PA is STILL on his own and not back under thumb!
You gotta drink for the small things, otherwise you don't build up enough tolerance to deal with the big ones...
Lieutenant, you have NO idea
Lieutenant, you have NO idea how thankful I am that PA made it through and is there - hundreds for miles away!! It still astounds me that 'Ho was encouraging him to FAIL and prepared to change her will so PA could come 'home' and live out his life in her basement. Dictated by her, more than likely.
A good friend of my Moms is
A good friend of my Moms is an SM to adult children.
When SS had his first child, they flew out to meet the baby. SM is a retired flight attendant and gets free flights.
BM had a crazy melt down fit that Grandpa and That Woman got to meet Her grandchild before she did.
She couldn't get out there until the baby was 3 weeks old but they shouldn't have gone until after she did because it's her right as the Real GM.
Crazy is as crazy does.
Notsobad, it all comes down
Notsobad, it all comes down to 'Ho being a control freak. She can no longer control DH and she has now lost control of one of her children.
Both SD21 and SD24 (and her DH) have said numerous times that they want to move out of state. I sincerely hope it happens. By the end of 2018 would be killer. That would leave 'Ho with only PigPen and Spawn under her control. And I expect PigPen to drop out of HS and run away as soon as he possibly can.
Oh, you know it! I think
Oh, you know it!
I think that's the problem with most BMs, they are so used to their exH and kids doing what they are told that they just lose it when no one is obeying them anymore.
After 20 years together, it was ingrained into DH to do what she said and listen to her crazy screaming. It took me hanging up on her and asking him why he allowed himself to be treated that way for him to stop it.
He'd just always done it and old habits are hard to break.
Now if that's been your whole life, it easy to see why it's so hard for some skids to break away from BM.
Definitely! BioHo expected DH
BioHo expected DH to be her beck-n-call man after the divorce. She was constantly asking him to keep the skids while she went out 'ho-ing. Er, partying. Including SPAWN, whom she had AFTER she and DH split.
When DH and I got back together, 'Ho lost her babysitter because DH was no longer available every night and weekend. He now had a life! I will never forget the time she called DH to say she was almost at our house to retrieve a game PrincASS had forgotten... and we were not home. In fact, we were 2 hours away. She was absolutely INCENSED!! I mean, honestly, how DARE DH not be home when she wanted him to be. Naturally, it was all MY fault. }:)
Aniki - why is DH going alone
Aniki - why is DH going alone to see his son..... you should be going as well, imagine Ho's reactions when she hears the dreadful SM saw her son before she did }:) }:) }:)
and don't blame the kid for telling his mother Dad is visiting me...... he probably did it to show the bitch she can't control him anymore.....
hell I would even take the girlfriend with just to make sure Ho has a proper fit
Acra, guess who is now going
Acra, guess who is now going with DH? }:)
I need a like button!
I need a like button!
BioHo will surely poop a
BioHo will surely poop a brick when she learns we're sharing Thanksgiving dinner. Bahahahahaaaaaaa!!!!!