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OT - Friday Fun

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Happy Friday, STalkers! The weekend is almost upon us. Let’s have a little fun and spring into Spring!!

Do you have an annual Spring tradition?
Breaking the ice for my first swim.

Do you plant a garden? What kind(s)?
I plant flowers. There are too many critters around here for me to even consider planting veggies. There are too many things I’d need to do to make a veggie garden critter-proof!

Is there a bird you like to see/hear?
My favorite is the white-throated sparrow that sings “Poor Sam… Peabody Peabody Peabody”. It is the first bird call I learned from my Dad. <3

What is your favorite Spring flower?
Purple crocus

What changes in your cooking? Out with stew/chili and in with…?
As it warms up, my cooking migrates from in the stove to the stovetop, electric skillet, or crockpot. French Dip, stir-fry, Pulled Pork or Chicken, Taco bar…

Favorite thing about Spring?
Birdsong and baby critters

Least favorite thing about Spring?
The bugs are coming…


I hope everyone has a good weekend!!


beebeel's picture

My dad started me off with a small raised garden bed last year and we hope to add a much larger one this year. That helps with the critters! We grow tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic and I can sauces and salsa. We also help my dad with his very large garden that includes potatoes, sweet corn, strawberries, pumpkin and squash. 

I hate how everything is dirty and wet in the spring, but I love the smell of new growth. Smile

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Mmmmmm.... garlic.  Pass the salsa, woman. Nothing like fresh salsa to make chilaquiles, which I now want. Nom nom nom...

The wild strawberries in the U.P. are tiny, sweet, and full of flavor. They have ruined me for any other kind. I DO buy them or get freshly picked, but there is nothing like those tiny wild gems. Sigh...

classyNJ's picture

Happy Friday Aniki and Steppers!  

Do you have an annual Spring tradition?
Putting all my Chucks in the wash.  

Do you plant a garden? What kind(s)?
I plant flowers in the front of the house.  I will plant tomatoes and brussel sprouts this year.

Is there a bird you like to see/hear?
Whippoorwill.  They are protected and endangered here in Jersey.  And they add the spooky woods sounds to the Friday the 13th movies.

What is your favorite Spring flower?

What changes in your cooking? Out with stew/chili and in with…?
Fish, fish and more fish.  With veggies.

Favorite thing about Spring?
My birthday

Least favorite thing about Spring?
The rain

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Brussel sprouts are deelish!! My hubby loathes them and I have to air out the house after I cook up a batch (with bacon!).

I could eat fish Every Single Day!!!

queensway's picture

Spring tradition, claritin

Do I plant a garden, flower gardens no veggies

Birds I like to see in spring, all of them. I love to hear them in the morning.

Favorite spring flower, daffodil

What changes in my cooking, maybe start to grill outside more

Favorite thing about spring, warmer weather

Least favorite thing about spring, allergies (pollen)

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Do you have an annual Spring tradition?
I used to go hiking up my favorite trail just as it started budding... But I can't do that here.

Do you plant a garden? What kind(s)?
I'll plant everything! I'm tryinig to get it ready this year so I can! I couldn't last year! But I'm determined!

Is there a bird you like to see/hear?
I love the little sparrows, also pheasants... I honestly have no clue if they have pheasants down here.

What is your favorite Spring flower?
Less a spring flower... But I like poppies...

What changes in your cooking? Out with stew/chili and in with…?
GRILLED FOOD. Chicken, avacados, street tacos... I cook virtually everything possible on the grill.

Favorite thing about Spring?
The little animals all over the place!!! And the smell of growing things!

Least favorite thing about Spring?
Allergies and Mosquitos... They're the worse...

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Poppies. Lots and lots of poppies!

I never thought of street tacos on the grill. Maybe I should learn how to grill...

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Aniki! Virtually everything can be made on the grill suring the summer! Grilled avacados get a slight smoky flavor... last summer I ever tried grilled watermelon. LOL

I LOVE the grill!!! DH's nice one bit the dust... And I refuse to buy anything nice agian until we move away from his family... LMAO

Also poppies are absolutely beautiful!!! If someone ever got me flowers (someone drop a hint to DH??? LOL) I'd want poppies!!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Woman, I have only grilled one time in my life. That one time, I used so much charcoal, you could have roasted marshmallows for 4 hours afterwards.

Carnations are my fave. The spicy smell....

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Bhahaha! i love cooking over fires too! Tinfoil dinners on the coals! Or dutch over cooking! I'm excited for summer now!!!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I currently have like 6 mosquito bites on one leg... They're already here...

Cray 2

momjeans's picture

-Do you have an annual Spring tradition?

Yes - Spring cleaning. Planting.

-Do you plant a garden? What kind(s)?

Yes - generally veggies that we eat a lot of. This year we’re planting: lettuce, cauliflower, carrots, garlic, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, red onion, radish, peppers (purple bell, jalapeño, habanero, and bird’s eye). Also herbs (Thai basil, thyme, rosemary, oregano, and cilantro). 

-Is there a bird you like to see/hear?

I’m a major bird nerd; I love them all, but I get super excited to see the red-bellied woodpecker or the brown-headed cowbird on our feeder because they don’t come around often. 

-What is your favorite Spring flower?


-What changes in your cooking? Out with stew/chili and in with…?

More salads, or variations of. More grilling. More picnics at the park. 

-Favorite thing about Spring?

All the flowering trees. 

-Least favorite thing about Spring?

The bugs are coming… (Yeah, this!) 


Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'm not much of a bird nerd, but I luuuuuuuuuuuuvvv watching the ever-majestic bald eagle!

OneTiredChick's picture

Annual spring tradition... Evil stepmonster reply - turning over dirt to loosen previously dug graves for SO and Stepspawn, starting with whoever bothers me most first. 

Do you plant a garden, what kind... Evil stepmonster reply - certainly! Daisies and Lillie’s. They’re both white and will be appropriate for funeral arrangement. 

Is there a bird you like to see/hear... Evil stepmonster reply - anything other than turkey vulture. If they start congregating by grave site it’ll attract unwanted attention. 

What is your favorite flower... Evil stepmonster reply - any that have a strong scent to cover odors. 

What changes in your cooking... Evil stepmonster reply - It’ll be easier cooking for one instead of three. 

Favorite thing about spring... Evil stepmonster reply - ground thaw

Least favorite thing about spring... Evil stepmonster reply - rain that causes freshly dug dirt to run off. 

Ok SERIOUSLY! Smile I try and use humor to keep myself calm. I love Spring. I plant whatever prettiness I see at Home Depot, I love seeing the hummingbirds come back, I grill almost every nite, hyacinth is divine to me, I love that spring means summer is only around the corner but I hate the rain. The northeast doesn’t have spring anymore, just cool rainy days till the humid heat of summer smacks you in the face lol. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture


Thank you!! That was so funny!  Hummingbirds are fascinating!

witch.hazel's picture


Do you have an annual Spring tradition?
No, just can't wait to be able to walk outside to stand in the sun and open the windows!

Do you plant a garden? What kind(s)?
I have only a little space outside my walk out condo, so I have tried potted plants like tomatoes and berries. Only got about six tiny tomatoes and no berries last year. Maybe I'll try again this year.

Is there a bird you like to see/hear?
We had a huge bird song identification class in fifth grade, and I still remember many of them, so it's just fun to recognize...chickadee and robin are nice sounding to me.

What is your favorite Spring flower?

What changes in your cooking? Out with stew/chili and in with…?
Time to start grilling, stop making soups/stews- would like to learn to make gazpacho.

Favorite thing about Spring?
The sunlight.

Least favorite thing about Spring?
"The bugs are coming… " Second that! And, I have not worked out and been eating junk all winter! Not ready for the fewer, lighter clothes and not being able to wear my coat!

Dovina's picture

Is the sign of spring. Also the fresh smell after the rain. *yahoo*

Cooooookies's picture

I just look forward to slightly warmer temps and a bit more sun.  This is England, after all.  Wink

thinkthrice's picture

And the weather is winter like here.  Taking down the Easter decor--seeing some crocuses up!  My first crop will be asparagus followed by strawberries and rhubarb.