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Got a dose of how people do not get it!!!!

AshMar654's picture

This past week on Thanksgiving eve I got a little tipsy and so did my friend. We unfortunately had it out over something really kind of stupid in the end. During the argument she said she had to adapt to me having a kid in my life.

Her mom went to tell me "he has a parent. Where was his dad?"

Background I was at their house and I saw my friend talking to her nephew trying to negotiate a light saber away from him. Last time him and SS had light sabers it did not go well. I went over thinking nothing of it as I am close with this family and have known them forever and they have even said I am practically family. Boy was that a lie. Any I talked the kid and he handed it over and I put it away him and SS went off playing on their way.

My friend who is his Aunt got pretty mad stormed off and slammed a door. If it was the kids mom talking to him I would never have stepped in. I honestly did not think about anything of it when I went over because last time him and my SS ended up getting hurt playing with them and both of them came crying to me. I was just trying ot avoid that again. I was looking out for SS and also making sure he did not get hurt also making sure he did not hurt the other kid. Let's face it I know SS and sometimes he does dumb things.

Is it like this for everyone. Other people have to adjust to you having a kid suddenly in your life or think that you have no place to say anything and should just leave it to the biological parents to do everything?

These people have been like a second family to me and I never expected what they said. Now they are all mad at me. Did I really overstep? SS was standing right there when I went over. IDK please do not bash much just trying to get different sides of everything.


BethAnne's picture

When you are in the middle of handling something it can be annoying to have someone else step in to do that task. Happened to me the other day over counting my score in a board game. I was adding it up and a person I had met just that day (friend of a friend) joined in half way through to ‘help’ me. It annoyed me as I felt it was as if she was saying I could not do the math. But I ignored it as I know she was just trying to be helpful. Your friend was annoyed that you stepped in. It has nothing to do with you being a stepmom. She did over react though in my mind, so I wonder if there is something else going on either with her relationship with you or her relationship with the child.

AshMar654's picture

Yeah I can get being annoyed but I do not think I would have stomped around and been made. She has no children it was her nephew.

BethAnne's picture

Sounds like there is something else going on with her. Especially if the is out of character. As her friend maybe you should be trying to help her rather than taking offense and centering everything back on you. Her parental status and who the child was has nothing to do with the fact that your actions came across as rude to her. Did you try apologizing to her yet?

AshMar654's picture

Well that night things got heated and she said she had to adapt to me having a kid. I said things too like "i did not want her in my wedding" we were both drunk. Bad night. After the tiff outside away from everyone I left and she accused me of stealing her family and said that we mom and go have fun with our kids while she can not have any or let any survive.

I can honestly say I have no idea what they hell she meant but those text messages. I wrote her sister a letter apologizing and taking on most the responsibility for that night no blame on my friend (her sister) just simply sorry. Also wrote a email to my friend apologizing for blowing up and being mean. I explained some stuff to her that had been going on and just said sorry and that I lover her. She text em back later making sure I did not tell her sister about her drug use she confessed to me and said that I have been a monster since my SO's parents left and that she saw my horns that night. I promise I was not that mean.

BethAnne's picture

You two sound pretty immature. I am not sure why the light saber incident held fast in your head when all this other nonsense went on as well.

I don’t know what to say. Maybe your behavior has changed recently. Maybe your friend is jealous of your having a child in your life. Maybe she misses you. Maybe she is getting back at you for excluding her from your wedding party. Maybe it is time you just moved on from that relationship, you obviously don’t value her as much as you used to if you don’t want her in your wedding any more.

AshMar654's picture

You are right I do not value her as much as I use to. It is immature I agree. I agree I acted like a child. I can admit I have changed in some ways. I think that can be normal when all the sudden you have a kid in your life all the time. It has not taken away from me spending time with her. It is about the same. Her job keeps her traveling and busy all the time.

DaizyDuke's picture

I can with 1000% honesty tell you that if my niece and my BS7 were playing and my niece was doing something inappropriate, I would leave it to her mother to handle. While I understand that this friend was not the kid's mother, SHE was the one who was responsible for him at the time. Yes you overstepped.

AshMar654's picture

The mother was there too. She did not care about what I did. If the mom did not get mad is it still overstepping and if so is it work slamming a door and making the wall shake?

Just asking not being defensive. Trying to get why she got so mad.

DaizyDuke's picture

Doesn't matter, your friend DID care. You usurped her, a lot of people take offense to that.

AshMar654's picture

Yeah I can get that it was not my intention at all. I just had a flash from what happened last time which she was not there for and just wanted to avoid it. If she would have just said Ash I had that handled and snapped at me I would have said sorry and moved on. Just not why she had to storm off and make a bit of a scene.

DaizyDuke's picture

Um, probably the booze. Not sure why a bunch of adults are sitting around getting drunk when there are children in the home? But that's just me. Didn't you used to complain about SIL and her drinking around SS?

AshMar654's picture

I was tipsy not like falling down drunk. I know my limits for that and all the adults were not drinking SO was driving and had like a beer. I did not drink that much but I also did not eat much that day so it hit me quick.

secret's picture

Doesn't matter whether mom didn't care or not... friend was handling it, and you took over. Maybe she was made to feel like you didn't think she could handle it, or that you'd do it much better.

Her reaction was a bit much, though.

AshMar654's picture

Yeah true. I can get why she felt the way she did. We had all been drinking and she was tipsy and so was I and having a good time really was not trying to be mean. Just not sure why she had a strong reaction.

AshMar654's picture

Yeah it does made mine go way down. I had intentions of talking to her after the holidays about not being in my wedding well it came out in a drunken rage instead. I regret that and plenty from that night and apologized to her as well. I was called a monster after I said sorry.

AshMar654's picture

I did apologize and got called a monster. I get she is mad and I get she is upset. There was more to her not being in the wedding. Last wedding she was in she got really drunk and shot a firework at the guests by accident. She thought it was funny. I know my reaction was not nice and it was mean and uncalled for. I tried to apologize.

She accused me of stealing her family. This is the like the third time that has happened. I gues I am just venting and I know what the outcome is now and I get it. I made a mistake and have been told for years I am like family. Turns out I guess I can not be forgiven. I said sorry and took on a lot of the blame for everything that happened that night. Is what it is at this point. If people that have known me for 15 years can not see I screwed up and feel really bad about what I did and said I guess they were not really my friends in the end.

AshMar654's picture

Thanks. Maybe time will make it better. Just hurting right now that people I have known for so long and been so close too all just seem to not give me the benefit of the doubt.

AshMar654's picture

Possibly. She said she is done with that. I do not know though for sure I can't. I think it might play in the mood swings especially if she stopped recently. Her own sister hung up on her recently because she did not want to talk to her. I don't know she has been distant and all over the place when I do talk to her.

Disneyfan's picture

Not only did you overstep, but in a passive-aggressively way, you are pitting the sisters against one another.

AshMar654's picture

How? My friend got huffy her sister asked what happened I told her and that was that. How am I pitting them against one another. I left after I had it out with my friend. Ran into her sister the next day asked about the chairs I lent her for her thanksgiving and she admitted to being mad about what happened. I wrote a letter to both of them apologizing.

I did not mention anything about wither sister to the other. Trust me if I wanted to pit them against one another I could have told the sister about my friend doing drugs. I didn't. Do you ever have anything nice to say?

zerostepdrama's picture

I would have been annoyed if I was in the middle of something and someone else just stepped in. Sure you may have thought (and did) handle it better but at least give me the opportunity to finish what I was trying to do.

She probably felt like now that you are "mom" you think you know better then her.

Is there a reason for her to feel like you were making her feel inferior to her disciplining her nephew because you are now "mom"?

Her reaction was ridiculous though. Is she jealous of SS?

AshMar654's picture

I do not know. There might be some jealousy there. I have no clue.

She said I could have whatever I wanted including her family. This is the third time she said this to me in the last few years.

ESMOD's picture

So you both were drinking... that is going to escalate and create a lot of misunderstandings... but here is how I think she got offended.

Her perspective is this"

She is working with her nephew on something (taking light saber).. then here comes Ashmarie.. butting in. Just because Ash is now MOTY to her boyfriend's child.. Ash acts like she knows EVERYTHING about kids.. just insufferable. Oh.. you don't want me in your wedding?.. Fine whatever witch!

Here's the thing. It sounds like this woman may be a bit jealous of your situation.. stepping in to have a child... when perhaps she doesn't have one. Also, from a lot of your posts on here.. they come off as a bit braggy about how your BF's little boy has taken to you .. and "our dynamic" and "little family"..

Now it may be the biggest of your focus because the relationship and moving in is all fresh in your world.. but constantly pumping yourself up about how great you are with his child and how your "little family" is now so great.. etc.. I can see her snapping off about it.

The bottom line is it sounds like she viewed you as someone butting in where you didn't belong and trying to tell her that her ability to supervise a child was lacking. Throw alcohol in and well.. ding..ding.. let's not pull any punches.

AshMar654's picture

Yeah I see that perspective and saw it very clear the next morning. I do not really talk to her about SS much. I do not really talk about my life and family much in general. I do on here because no one knows me. In life I try to keep it private.

You view made me laugh.

ESMOD's picture

If she is jealous of your situation.. she could read a lot into even the most minor of comments.

As far as apologizing.. whether you believe she had a part in it or not. An apology that tries to lay any blame on the other person will generally be less well received.

Like "Dear Friend, I'm sorry we got into that fight.. we were both drinking and you must not have realized I was just trying to be helpful..." Not going to get a good result because it still basically blames HER.

Instead try

Dear Friend, I am so embarrassed by my conduct the other night. You are my dearest friend and I can't believe that I said such horrible things. Please accept my apologies and know that it really was the wine talking and I had no business butting in where I didn't belong."

Even if she had a part in it too.. your apology rings hollow if you try to spread the blame around.. own your part in it... and leave it to HER whether she reciprocates with a "I'm sorry too.. I must have had a few too many myself"

AshMar654's picture

My apology did lay some blame on her. Not a good thing I guess. The one I told her sister I took all the blame in that. The one to my friend, I can say was not the best one. It was not awful either I tried to explain why I said what I said and I should have not drank so much. I also said that I love her as my friend.

We had a falling out a few years back and I apologized to her she never did to me. She is one of those people that no matter what you say to them even saying sorry they will never say it back.

You are right I should have simply said sorry. I didn't but I was not mean either and still got called a monster. I do not know. I guess some friendships are meant to end at some point.

Thank you. I can try again later just not sure I will. That night she block me, my SO and his sister on facebook. Not my mom though.

mommadukes2015's picture

When my step sister is over with her kids and she asks them to do something and they wait until she walks away, then do it again I back her up. Her husband is pretty aloof and generally focused on drinking beer and socializing with my step-father until she's had enough and b*tches at him (which would not fly with me, I'm very lucky that my SO is not like that). And my niece and nephew listen to me, because I'm an adult and I'm not their mom. They know when I speak I mean it and my sister doesn't bat an eyelash.

If my BD were acting like a twerp I would be okay with her doing the same. My mom did threaten to spank BD once and I flat out told her "You do not spank my kid". That's where the line is for me. We are not big spankers but there are times (like biting, playing with outlets, scratching faces (my step sister is constantly covered in cuts on her face from her 7 and 5 year olds), truly dangerous or inappropriate stuff) where it is not tolerated especially after we have tried other methods and really, all it took was one, soft tap on the butt to get the picture-but that's my choice and my job as a parent not anyone else's.

But honestly, if someone else is willing to redirect a situation with my kids before I get to it, as long as it's appropriate, go for it. They'll probably listen better to them than me anyway.

AshMar654's picture

Thanks mommadukes. I think my friend and I both had the best intentions of making sure the kids did not get out of control and hurt someone. Guess I should know my place next time.

Livingoutloud's picture

Several issues at play
1. Meddling in other families business, even if she was not the mom, she is family, you aren’t
2. Drinking at a party with young children present regardless if you weren’t falling drunk it’s not the first time you mentioned alcohol involved. Tipsy and buzzed around kids is not a good idea.
3. Impulsive behaviors that more typical for high school teens, not women in their 30s

Several things could be done to improve: stop interfering in something that’s not your concern, stop drinking especially in front of young kids, count till 10 before you say or do things, find classier friends.

AshMar654's picture

Several issues. I really did not think it was a big deal. I guess I was wrong.
It is rare that SS sees me buzzed I did not eat and made a mistake on that one.
Yes Impulsive behaviors are childish I agree.

Was it really her concern either as it was not her kid? If she had gotten onto SS I would not have cared if SS was doing something he was not suppose to. I have no problem drinking in front of children. I drink a glass of red wine most nights for dinner. I really did not have that much just didn't eat.

Classier friend now that I will agree with. I have done plenty for them over the years. I never really ask for anything in return because I do not need it. Guess no room for error in their eyes.

Thank you.

Livingoutloud's picture

If it was not her concern then it was for her and child’s mother figure out, not you. You aren’t going to argue that child’s aunt and a friend, who isn’t even close enough friend to be in the wedding, are holding same position in decision making re a child? Doesn’t even make sense.

Disneyfan's picture


Someone who has been your friend for years has made several comments about you messing around with her family.

It's interesting that many posters here(complete strangers)had the same opinion regarding your involvement with your SO's family.

AshMar654's picture

My friend made this comment to me after her sister asked me to babysit and digit and do stuff and she was not around. I never melded in their business this was the first time I ever said anything to this boy in 6 years. I made a mistake I know that I just don't get the whole storming off and after it calling me a mi syet. I admired I was wrong.

AshMar654's picture

There is alot that happened recently. It is a mess and so.ething I have to put behind me.

Livingoutloud's picture

Also if you cannot have a person at the wedding, you cannot and should not have her as a friend. You are saying she is like s family yet can’t be at your wedding. Really?

AshMar654's picture

She can be at it. I just did not want her in the wedding. I do not want drama that day and my fear is that is all it will be. I just did not want her as a bridesmaid. I was going to talk to her later about everything. I was trying to convince my SO to have no bridal party at all. It just exploded that night. That was my mistake.

Acratopotes's picture

AShmere - seems like you are very controlling, stop it...

1. It was not your house and not your place to do or say anything
2. if you where so concerned about SS getting hurt you could've told him, SS stop horsing around or you will have to sit in a corner, only SS
3. You have no right what so ever to take charge in other peoples home, if you don't like the situation leave

AshMar654's picture

Usually I never say anything I let it go. I am still adjusting to this whole new life I am living and sometimes get a little too much I can agree with that.

I get what I did wrong. Just wonder was it so bad to say she had to adapt to me having SS in my life. After I explained and apologized to still be called a monster.

I get my mistake and trust me I would not make it again. I guess I will not get a chance to let them know I screwed up and make amends for it. No one is talking to me. Blows my mind they say they love me and I am like a sister from another mother. I make a mistake and now this. Guess I didn't matter much to them. I guess I crossed a huge line in their minds and that is the end of a 15 year friendship. Oh well.

Acratopotes's picture

if you apologized then let it go, wait it out till the dust is gone....

give them time, but I hope you learned a valuable lesson, if it's not your house you simply remove SS from any situation andleave if you have to but never ever in your life take over.....

AshMar654's picture

I learned my lesson. I also learned a few other things in this whole situation. I agree with livingoutloud. This whole friendship has become not great and while I made my mistake that night. I have been walking on egg shells for years now trying to avoid blow ups and her flipping out on my or anything to that matter.

When I had my house warming party she spent the first portion arguing with her boyfriend made sure many people who she just met knew it too. I ignored it for the most part as I was busy but it was annoying. Just time to move on.

ESMOD's picture

"After I explained and apologized to still be called a monster"

An apology laden with excuses and sharing of blame is not a true apology in the other person's eyes. If you explained how you thought that you were right and sorry she took it wrong which is basically saying it was all her fault.

She clearly understands that you still don't see anything wrong with your actions and that she was to blame for her reaction.. so that's at least part of the reason you aren't getting "forgiven". Also, while you may not have called names.. you did apparently say some cruel things right?

Obviously the fact that both of you were drinking and "buzzed" (read not falling down drunk, but obviously more than just a tiny bit tipsy) was a recipe for disaster. Perhaps the way you hang out with this family always involves a lot of drinking. In the future, if you are invited and go, I think you need to stick to sparkling water. Then at least one party won't be raring to fight.

AshMar654's picture

Usually I do not really drink much when I am around this family. It is not always centered around that.

I have not heard from her sister either and I know that letter I just took full responsibility. I can try to apologize and take all the blame just not sure that I want to. I can be stubborn I know that. Just tired from it all I guess. There is so much to this whole thing and this relationship. While she has done some nice stuff over the years and been there at times. It is usually me being there for her to always complain about all the bad in her life.

I have a lot to think about and not sure I want to salvage it. Thank you.

Livingoutloud's picture

I honestly have never been to Thanksgiving or other holiday family dinners that involved so much drinking that people were buzzed and tipsy and get into fights with others. I certainly heard of such “family” events, saw on TV or heard on stand up comedy but never been to one. I dont see how such “family” events are beneficial for “family” time or show poor children any kind of appropriate role models.

If I didn’t have appropriate classy company to spend holidays with I’d spend it volunteering at a homeless shelter or go out of town. I’d not subject myself or my child to such event.

Although you might think the kid is clueless, he isn’t. You’d be surprised how observing kids are of any age and what kids tell other kids or teachers at school about their home life. You don’t know what he told others at school. “How does your family spend holidays?” “We go to these people houses and my dad’s girlfriend gets drunk and fights with people”. Do be mindful how you behave around children.

ESMOD's picture

I have been to events where people definitely overindulged. And to be honest, generally it isn't people who are buzzed or tipsy getting into it. The people are drunk. Unless there is something seriously going on with BOTH people... semi-sober/buzzed/tipsy people do not end up in screaming matches at family events. People who are drunk do though.

And... Ash... getting drunk once doesn't make you a bad person... not even getting into it with this friend would. But if you start to notice a pattern of interpersonal problems with others that seem to be magnified after you drink.. perhaps you may want to do some serious consideration about if/when and how much you drink.

AshMar654's picture

I do not get into it when I drink with people. I am usually a very happy go lucky drunk. I think there was a lot more underlying issues for her and me that caused the blow up.