AshMar654's Blog
Are they Toxic or is it just me?
I am not here much anymore. I still read and maybe comment on other things. Here I am again asking is it just me?
Background 15 yo old son is my DH bio and I adopted when he was 10 after we married. Technically not a stepmom anymore but I am certainly treated like one by my in-laws. We have another son 3yo I am also 26 weeks pregrnant with what will be our 4th child. We lost our little gilr when I was 37 weeks a hear and half ago. If you want more read past blogs.
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How do I handle this at this point?
I have posted about this before my in-laws not treating the kids fairly. Both my son's b-days are this month. My oldest sent a few items with links to my in-laws of what he wanted. No big all good and he specifically asked can you get this for my birthday. THey went ahead and bought it all and sent it several weeks ago. Again no big it was some sports gear he could use as he had just started the season.
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Always seen as the evil step-mom
Hi, it has been quit sometime since I have been on this site. My issue these days is not with my kid at all. He was my SS, but I adopted so he is mine. He is 14 now and all the craziness of a teenager. We still struggle with some stuff with him and his acting out for attention when he feels things are changing or uncertain. None of that is my issue.
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In-laws not treating kids equal how should I feel?
Hello all, it has been a very long time since I posted in here. Everything for the most part has been good. Backgroud my oldest was my husbands bio-son that I adopted when he was 10 he is now 14. We have a 2 year old and expecting one more. I am just going to give facts and I would like to know peoples reactions or views.
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OT: Does In-laws judging ever stop?
Hi, It has been a while since I have been on this site. Mostly becasuse busy but other part is because I am not a SM. For those new I was a SM who adopted SS a few years ago.
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Would you say something or keep letting DH deal?
I know I have been here before.
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Not sure where else to turn to.
Hello All,
I know that it has been a while since I posted. If you want the history of my family read past blogs.
Things have been super rough and tough with DS 12. Part-time virtual is not helping the situation but nothing we can do about it. Anyway, new baby is here and DS 5 months is doing great he is such a cute little stinker. Anyway, I need some advice or hear from people who have been through what I am going through now.
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OT - Pregnancy in the work place
Hey People,
I am wondering if anyone has ever experienced this before. From the moment I told my boss I was pregnant things have not been great. His reaction was a look a dread and a huff. Eventually followed by congrats of sorts. Anyway, when it came to discussing maternity leave it did not go well. My work is small so no FMLA, the do not offer disability, I would have had to take it out on my own. I asked about this years ago and was told not to worry. When I mentioned that, the boss said he probably meant I was not going to get fired.
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This might be petty!
Is it weird for a g-parent to keep calling my DS "My his name"?
My mom does not do this with any of her grandkids and I have never really heard from any other g-parents in my life. Honestly it also kinda gets under DH skin. MIL just started doing this. I posted a back to school pic and MIL commented with "my his name". I might be being petty and I get that but I was doing a proud parent moment and tagged DH in it. Sorry small vent just a little annoyed and feel like she somewhat demeans me being his mom.
Hormonal lately!
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Kids Braces
Ok just need feedback as I am trying to figure out the best option. DS11 soon to be 12 needs braces and apparently is a candidate for Invisalign. What is anyone's experience with those with kids vs. regular braces?
Please let me know if the kids were responsible with them. Did they lose them all the time? Did they forget to always put them back in?
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