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GUBM is a big fat loser, and she may be dumb, but she is not as dumb as you think, SO

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

GUBM has yet to confirm in writing for SO that she will bring SD to the airport on the 14th. The extent of the effort she exerted for this visit has been to find out the information for the flight so her precious not-so-little ass wouldn't have to drive out to the halfway point between Scumbag Land and PGH. That's it. When SO asked her to book the flight, she waited for a week until she told him that she had no credit card and couldn't book the flight. When SO finally booked the flight, the extent of her conversing with him was limited to "It has to go through the Philly airport" and that's it. Not even so much as a "OK, I'll have her at the airport in time for her flight on June 14th." And I know why. It's so that he can't legitimately be mad at her when she lets the bottom drop out, like she usually does. I'm not saying it is guaranteed, but, if she were to "accidentally" miss the window of getting SD to the airport on time on the 14th, SO can't technically hold her accountable since she never once texted him "Yes, I'll get her to the airport on the 14th." He will try, and she will just say "Well, I never agreed to that. You shouldn't expect someone to do something if they don't agree to what you want." That sentiment, not in that exact phrasing, has spewed forth from her food flaps on more than one occasion, usually revolving around SO having SD and always revolving around GUBM being held accountable for her end of anything.

SO's got to stop thinking she's imbecilic, because while she's dumb, she's not so dumb that she can't function. She is calculating and manipulative. If she weren't, there's no way she would have been able to weasel an 8 month rent-free stay in SO's townhouse for herself and all of her loser junkie friends when she kicked SO out. There's no way she would have convinced SO that it was best for him to live in the basement of the townhouse while she and her posse of losers whooped it up in the livable spaces for the sake of SD. There's no way he would have done half of the things he has for her if she were so stupid that she couldn't connive and manipulate others.

She has no personal bank account. We thought she did, but, she doesn't. She keeps taking the CS checks to random PNC banks in order to cash them for free, or else, she signs them over to friends and family members for cashing. PNC charges a fee for non-account holders cashing checks at their banks. Of course, they'll also usually waive the fee the first time out of a courtesy, usually plying the prospective customer with offers of free-checking accounts. Every time she personally cashes a CS check at a PNC? It is a different branch. She's not an imbecile. She's manipulative and calculating. She knows how to avoid as much of a paper trail as possible. If she had a bank account, she'd have some sort of record to be able to show courts that she has any sort of money to her name. Without a bank account, SO can't make her prove that she has money beyond CS.

The other day, SO wanted to talk to SD about the things she would need to know for her flight and what to pack for her visit. He sent her a text and, when she finally got back to him, we were just sitting down to eat so he asked her if he could call her back in a little bit. Of course, by the time he got back to her (which was realistically 30 minutes later at most), she was being dragged out by GUBM to go help a friend of GUBM's move. At 8 o'clock at night. On a school night. SD had the news of this activity thrust on her last minute and SO said she didn't sound thrilled by the idea when she told him. She was going to sit home by herself while her mom went off to pretend like she i s a decent human being, until GUBM found out that she was going to possibly talk to SO about anything. GUBM isn't an imbecile. She knows that SD is uncomfortable as f*ck talking to SO in front of her because she makes it impossible for her to be comfortable doing so. GUBM always chirps in her ear about this, that, or the other thing, influencing the conversation. Understandably, this annoys SD. It also annoys her when GUBM has snarky ass comments to make about SO when she is on the phone with him. After all, it is her father and all her mother is doing is making her feel uncomfortable by wanting to talk to him or have anything to do with him.

I let SO unload some of this on me the other day and I told him that, unfortunately, he can't change the past. He can sit and dwell on it all he wants, thinking about how he should have kicked GUBM out and tried to raise SD on his own. But, that won't do him any good because that kind of dwelling can only frustrate a person. There isn't anything that he can do about the past. I know this because of my own personal experiences and how often I dwell on stuff, and how often I wish I did or said something differently at any given moment once I realize a choice I made was maybe not the best possible choice. I told him I understand his frustration with the situation, but, that the only one who can fix it from here on out is him. I told him it is time for him to make the decision about how much frustration and stress he is willing to inflict on himself, and myself and our family (including SD) by proxy, and how much he is willing to put up with. I told SO that it really sucks, but, I think that he has come to the realization that his fantasy about how things would be between him and his daughter is not living up to the reality of the situation. It sucks, and it hurts, to be sure. I told him that until GUBM gets her head out of her backside and realizes how much she is hurting SD with all of her crap, he may benefit from not holding her up to higher standards and expectations; he can hope that she'll act in SD's best interest, but, he can't expect her to do so anymore as her track record has clearly proven otherwise. Basically, yes, GUBM is dumb, but, she's not nearly as dumb as he would like her to be.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

She's super sneaky. And she's been this sneaky for a looooong time. I guess that's why it still takes me a little by surprise when SO is all shocked by her wiles. He's known her for 19+ years and she's not just now honing her craft and refining her skills, lol.
She definitely plays her game well, for the most part. She's gotten nearly everything she has ever wanted out of SO, with a few large exceptions. Like I said in my post, she's manipulative and conniving, but, she's still a bit dumb at times lol.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

She's a "recovering" alcoholic and addict. Her friends have all either been alcoholics or junkies, but, the ones that she let freeload off of SO in his townhouse were all junkies.

She had a bit of a coke problem when she was in her late teens and early 20s, before SO knocked her up. And she's had a problem with alcohol since she was 16 or so (she's in her mid-30s now). That's where the lapses in judgment come from. And the quotations around "recovering" are meant to infer that, while she's not drinking at the moment, she's going to AA to put on a face, lest SO ever drags her to court, she can claim "well, look! I go to meetings!" We have no clue if she still drinks or not, but we do know that she has never seen a problem with her own drinking. Likely, the meetings were court sanctioned after her last DUI (which was the second incident of her driving drunk but the only one that was punished by suspension of her license), so, we have little faith that she's actually trying to recover from her addiction problems.

She's the type of addict that gives people who are really trying to turn their lives around a bad name.

whatwasithinkin's picture

Philly? Is this the receiving state or the departure state...because that is 12 minutes from my house.

And at least their conversing. Since I am disengaged I am no longer ghost writing to the defendent for DH. He sent her an email 5/10 basically saying "lets get started getting this planned" of course he got the the "oh ive been so busy" blah blah blah, because you know now that we have SD16 somehow his ex thinks they are friends after she has Pas'd the shit out of both his kids when she had custody, but now that we have one SD and she has the other..ummm yeah but anyway...there was never an answer as to what date would be good for SD13 to come out to us or for SD16 to go to her.

SD13 is telling her Jersey friends she will be here on June 9th...via facebook.

I just said to DH last night...sad that you have to get your information on when your own daughter is coming via FB and her 13 year old friends.

And Im away that weekend with DD's for a softball tourney. DH said last night, Ill find a way to be with you guys she (X) will need to change the date of the flight...I told him and it kinda slipped out but I am so tired of every visitation starting like this, that he needs to not fight the date, stay home get his DD from the airport and lets get this done and over with...the sooner she is here the sooner she can leave, and SD!6 who lives with us will go back with her sister for a month...lets not drag out my misery.

sad part is I so meant the last part...why drag this shit out?

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Philly is the airport SD is going to fly out of on her way here. She and GUBM live in NJ (in a town I affectionately call Scumbag Land because, well, GUBM is a scumbag). Theoretically, GUBM will drive SD to the Philly airport where she will fly out of to arrive in Pittsburgh, where SO and I live.

SO would never dream of having me ghostwrite to GUBM, it would be filled with so many large words that, to someone like GUBM, would be seemingly pleasant but really insulting. And, when I get mad enough, it would be filled with a lot of expletives. So, he does all the communicating with GUBM, which is definitely for the best because I have many, many ways to tell someone to go inflict injury upon themselves.

Conversing is a loose description of what SO and GUBM do. She will respond to him when necessary, but, it usually takes about 5 or more texts from SO to get her to say anything about anything, and sometimes it takes her weeks because she's "just so busy" sitting around and doing nothing. Sounds like your BM dodges the point of conversations as well as GUBM does. Isn't it amazing how they can blather on forever and never really get to the root of what needs to be discussed?

And isn't it ever so lovely to have all the misery dragged out as long as possible? The misery over planning this latest visit has been dragged out since two months ago, and, SO fought GUBM tooth and nail for little bit there to get SD for a full month rather than just three weeks (because GUBM knows if she doesn't have SD for a full month, that's CS she won't see...ah the only benefit to not having court-ordered CS...SO can tell her to go blow if she wants her CS while we have theory of course *sigh* let's just see if he follows through on it). And, unfortunately, the misery shows no signs of slowing or dissipating until after SD has been and gone. Or until GUBM screws up and makes SD miss her flight. Sad part for me is I'm betting on the latter, because I really don't see GUBM getting SD to the airport for her flight.