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When will SO learn that GUBM is not dependable unless you can get written confirmation from her?? Perhaps never

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

SO texted GUBM this afternoon to get written confirmation from her that she will definitely bring SD to the airport next Thursday. It perhaps had something to do with the fact that I reminded him that every time she has ever verbally agreed to something, and messed up and went back on her word, she has been all "Well, I never agreed to THAT" and acted like a big ass about it.

Big shock here, she texted him back saying "driving" and then called him because she thought he needed to talk to her about something super important. He told her he just wanted to confirm with her that she knew what the plan was. So, he unfortunately has nothing written from her that says "Yes, I will get SD to the airport on the 14th at such-and-such a time for her flight."

He's accepting the verbal confirmation as confirmation though and I think he's dumb to do so. But I am not telling him that. Her history proves that she never keeps her word unless you have written proof of her saying something or agreeing to something. I don't get why he always expects her to be suddenly improved or better about things all the time.

All I know is GUBM will be more broke than usual for a while if she doesn't get SD on her flight. Because SO is planning on deducting our half of the plane ticket and the cost of her summer camp from CS until we are paid back. And, he totally can do that because there is no CO for CS. He pays her on his own accord twice a month. Of course, if SD were to desperately need something from him during that time, he has the plan in place to buy what she needs and ship it out to her so he isn't forking over cash to her loser mother should she ruin the visit.


thelaststraw's picture

^^^^ like.

But I'd be more of a prick if I took the call and send her a text saying "just so we're on the same page..."

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

It's kind of sad because even my personal counselor recognizes that GUBM is playing games here. I mentioned this instance to her and, when I told her that GUBM called SO rather than text him back she said "Because she's being crafty. She won't give him a leg to stand on because she wants all of the control." No kidding!