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Badger1986's Blog

No not this time!

Badger1986's picture

This afternoon I left for the store with my bio-child. I love when we just take in the fall weather and laugh together. It's great to be a dad! Before I left my wife says, " why do you call bio-child love?" And I said, " because bio-child is my love, however you're my first love." Eveyone knows that I believe a marriage comes before children I've always felt this way. She says, "well there's other people in the house to love too." She was talking about ss. I just laughed it off and said, "I love everyone." 

Here we go again!

Badger1986's picture

Every year my ss will start faking sick when school work gets hard. He's on an IEP (which is not my favorite thing because I just think he's lazy) but brags about how smart he is but when school work gets hard he starts playing sick. Last night he started saying my stomach hurts. His mom did a great job at telling him to take some medicine and go to sleep. This morning he started saying he thought he had COVID. Okay doogie, you're a real doctor to be 9.

The Joy of Disengagement

Badger1986's picture

Six months ago I disengaged from my ss. I was doing great until he pissed me off one day and I was right back into his trap. I've disengaged again and it feels great! This time I am smarter. My wife has been yelling at home for days. He hasn't been doing his homework, chores in a timely fashion, smarting off to her, and right now is upstairs not getting ready for bed (that's great with me if you want to miss your story time, more time for me)! I love it! My wife even had a talk with him today and said enough! Stop disrespecting me.

Going to explode like a volcano

Badger1986's picture

Last night my stepson went into the freezer and got a popsicle before he went to bed. The freezer is full of breast milk that my wife froze about 4 months ago. Probably only a good two weeks worth but it's hard to produce breast milk, so my wife protects it like gold. We are feeding our bio-son soft foods and synthetic milk, so we do not use it much. 

The relationship you need

Badger1986's picture

First time posting here but have been commenting for about a week. It feels good to have like-minded people going through the same thing. 

Long story short, I have a 9 year old stepson that is challenging. Even his mom and grandparents say the same thing. Between the ADHD and the obnoxious behavior, it can be draining. I will say that he is a deep thinker and you can talk to him about adult things. He's very sweet to you unless your his stepfather haha. Anyone else is like a god to him.