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Ahh, it finally comes to light!!

bayers44's picture

The dirty SOB!!! My dear dear DH, finally shows his true colors!!!

SO today - again a decent day. I went grocery shopping (mainly for things I needed - he went yesterday but didn't get things that I needed, but I didn't tell him what I wanted for reasons that I won't get into right now.)

But I get home and tell him what my doctor says, and we are actually having a conversation in front of both skids. Polite and nice - something that hasn't happened at ALL in the past 30 days or more.

WHEN all of a suddent he gets a phone call and he jumps up and hurrys outside with his cell phone. OK not a problem - I am thinking he is not a big deal. Until he comes in.

Both skids are now in their bedroom and DH says btw your phone is not working, your therapist is trying to get ahold but your phone is busy! WHAT??? I have a cell phone - it can't be busy (of course I don't actually say that - I am still too stunned to say ANYTHING.

That is when he says..."ohh she must be trying to get ahold of you on the house phone."

And I still have a stunned look on my face - just staring at him. Finally - I just look at him and say "what??" After a few rough starts I finally get it out of him - he called her today to get information out of her about me. But I need to sign a release for that. So I asked him, instead of going to her, why didn't you just ask me. "because you don't make sense" - "You don't think she would actually charge me to talk to her do you?"

So he goes behind my back to talk with my therapist and then trys to hide, but has to come clean when she tells him I have to sign a release. What a jackass!!
