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What?? Does he have no shame??

bayers44's picture

I was just posting on another comment and DH was on the phone with a buddy, and I look over my shoulder and he is reading what I am typing.

What the heck???

What a jerk! First he contacts my therapist behind my back and tries to hide it. Then has to come clean, now he is trying to read my comments on this site?

How much lower can he go?


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

So he can call your personal doctor behind your back, but you can't post an anonymous blog about it to people in similiar situations? Mmmmmkay. Sounds about right. Not.

bayers44's picture

Luckily - the only way to get on the internet at my house is by using my cell phone (tethering). I just need to make sure that it never leaves my side. I have set up my laptop to erase the history everytime the computer shuts down.

So hopefully - he cannot find this website. And if he does - hopefully he won't be able to find me. I know that he would not guess my password.

jasperjax's picture

I have StepTalk bookmarked on my comp so he my husband could open it and read it if he wants. I don't care. Everything I have said on this site I have tried saying to him. What I worry about is my skids finding it and reading it. I do no bash thier bm to them but I sure do on this site and its nothing they need to hear. And believe me this is the only place I can vent! Any time I am on the phone when they are home they try to listen to what I am saying. Even if I try to go upstairs-I'll come outta my room and one of them will be trying to scurry from the bottom of the stairs before I see them! I hate it! I have no privacy when they are hear. Thats why I hate it when they are off from school!