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Update on me

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

This is not a step parenting problem but it is an in law. Long story short after I had DS back in October DH was fired 2 weeks later over some crap and because he lost his job we lost our house so we were forced to move in with *sighs* MIL. I was still trying to recover from my c-section and from getting my tubes tied but my MIL did not care. She still made me take care of my kids and her reason was because she was a single mother who had no help. The first 2 weeks weren't bad but after that things went bad. She had me lift boxes (which I shouldn't have done) she went off on me because I fell asleep with my baby and my oldest 2 were playing in the playroom unsupervised. She yelled at me and my oldest 2 because her coffee got knocked over onto her Bible. She chunked everything on the floor and while I was cleaning it up she kept telling me I missed a spot. Then when she came to apologize she said I should have picked up her coffee before the kids could spill it. But I kept trying to explain to her that I wasn't in the kitchen when it was spilled and had no idea she had coffee on the table. She told DH that I was letting her be the mom while I did nothing. DH was working but he wasn't living at MIL's (which was out of town) he was living at his job and was saving up for us to get a new home. He visited every weekend though. MIL decided to open all her windows in her house when the weather changed and she got me and my kids real sick. The day after Thanksgiving she kicked us out. We have been staying in a hotel ever since. She could have given us her house cuz she moved out of state with her boyfriend who she married after knowing for 4 months but instead gave her house to my SIL who already had a house and MIL wants to act like everything is fine between us. I'm still angry.


Beautiful Dreamer's picture

Well when it rains it pours because at the end of last year DH was let go from that job and he still has his other job working nights. We are planning on moving out of town as soon as we get enough saved up but idk how that's possible given the fact the hotel is so expensive. We need at least $1000 to move.