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beb8612's Blog

no more punishments here

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SD8 has been seeing a counselor about her compulsive lying among her other behaviors. After tonight's session she called us in to talk and stated that SD lies because she is afraid to be punished so it is best to not punish her and then she apparently will stop lying to get out of trouble. WTF? DH completely buys into this so from now on there are no more punishments in this household. When she hides her poop filled underwear all over her room we are supposed to tell her that we found them and are washing them for her.

New Here

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Good Morning All,
This is my first post here. I have been lurking since I Became a step mother 2 years ago and have finally got up the guts to create an account. I’ll give you a little background on my situation. My husband and I had a whirlwind relationship and within a year had bought a house, married and had a baby on the way. We moved way to fast and I now realize that.