FDH Finally Divorced!
THANK GOD... after 3 years of drama and battles! its ALL OVER!!
ahhhhh feels fantastic... doesnt change our day to day life but its lovely to know legally there is nothing bewteen them!
i have had a bottle of very expensive champagne sitting in the fridge ready to pop! but finally the day has arrived. courts have approved it all, stamped, sealed and approved!
and we went tiffany ring engagement shopping on the weekend so its happy days all round... even tho Skids are driving me nuts.
this is a special and exciting day a new step to the rest of our lives
- belle_27's blog
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Ooooh, can I have some of
Ooooh, can I have some of that expensive champagne? I LOVE champagne! My mouth waters when I think about it. Congratulations and make sure you drink lots of yummy champagne for me. Have lots of fun picking out an engagement ring!
its been sitting in the
its been sitting in the fridge for months! i open it every day and think 1 day closer till i open this up!!
ohh yes the ring picking is fun.. going to tiffany of course! if i have to put up with BM and skids forever, i would like to look down at my finger everyday and think... yep this ring is totally worth it!!
Woo hoo! Yay! That's great
Woo hoo! Yay! That's great news

Have fun bling shopping
Woo hoo! Yay! That's great
Woo hoo! Yay! That's great news

Have fun bling shopping