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At Least BM is Consistent at Something

BettyRay's picture

Yet again (8th year in a row) DH found out that SS11 would be playing baseball this summer when he got an e-mail from BM YESTERDAY afternoon with the practice and game schedule attached.

The first practice is TONIGHT.

Oh and SS11 hates baseball but no matter because BM likes hanging out with the other moms at games. Honestly, it was embarrassing last summer - SS11 would cheer when the coach benched him. That’s when DH forced him to go to the games, most of the time SS11 would try to get out of it by saying he was sick.



MommaSaSa's picture

Awe sad! I can see her wanting him to be involved in something, and sports are really good outlets for kids. I played on a softball co-Ed team with my DH and I kind of liked it, but got tired of it. I hated the pressure of going to bat and I was scared of the ball when big dudes hit it my way. That pressure can be a lot on a kid! Maybe you can sign him up for soccer or even martial arts and let her do the baseball thing. I wouldn't force any of my kids to play a sport they didn't like!

BettyRay's picture

SS11 is in karate (2x a week) and boy scouts (meets EOWeek + summer camp).

Baseball just isn't his thing, everybody sees it but BM.


just.his.wife's picture

Try emailing her back:

"Sorry, I did not approve this activity and it will not happen on my time."

Then stick to it. The coach can deal with a part time player and you and DH will become the kid's hero for not forcing him to go.

BettyRay's picture

DH is going to the parent meeting tonight before practice - not our night with the boys - BM will be surprised.

He'll let the coach know that SS11 will be missing half the practices and games.

BM won't like it but oh well. Same deal as last summer.


SMof2Girls's picture

SD5 wants to cheerlead next school year like her big sister did last year. BM is adament that SD7 will cheer and SD5 will play soccer.

It just doesn't make any sense to me .. SD7 hates cheering. SD5 hates soccer. Why force them? Let them try something they might like and figure it out instead of ruining the sports experience for them?

It should be interesting to see what happens since DH should have them every weekend (if the custody amendment happens like planned).