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Feeling like I need to divorce the one whom I Love the most but cannot stand how her kids treat me

Bill63's picture

I am married to a wonderful woman, however her daughters are controlling and have never accepted me. Do not get me wrong these girls both are very well educaited, and are good girls however they are not accepting me due to the fact that I am not their real dad, I am not well educaited and because I do not allow them to boss me around like their mom does. They are constantly on me trying to tell me do not do this or that or how to act or not act. For the most part I leave it alone but sometimes it gets to be too much. Their mom does not defend me due to the fact that she is affraid of hurting their feelings and even sometimes joins in with them. I feel like I need to move on and find a woman whom shows me more respect! But I Love this woman with all my heart and soul and have been with her for a long time so I have allot invested in this marriage and do not want to throw in the towel bit I am so un-happy right now.