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CS and extras

Biomomof2's picture

Ok so this is my side of it as the CP who receives CS and has the kids 89% of their lives. BD is and has been since the day the CS order went into effect, in arrears. He never has paid the full amount, I have never billed him for the medical that isn't cover and he is responsible for 85% of. I have paid for everything for DD and BS with some help from CS. Honestly though BF has a brand new F-150 (expensive truck) has bought all brand new furniture for his house and kids rooms in the last 2 years. Has boughten bought a Xbox one and a PS4 in the last 4 months takes the kids to the movies and out to nice restaurants everytime he has them.
Yet, he is thousands of dollars in arrears to me, thousands of dollars in arrears with his oldest DD, has never paid an extra cost for bios ever. He is always trying to claim he's broke.
Now our court order states he is responsible for his CS, 85% of medical and dental not covered by insurance, 85% of all sports or organized activities (gives the examples of karate and dance class... Which funny BS has been in Karate for 3 years and DD just started dance) 85% of all school activities (field trips, camps, fees)
I have never billed him for anything but one dental bill with BS. My attorney had my put together all my bills and such for the last year. BF owes about $4700 for his part of 85%. Honestly, if he would have just paid CS on time and stopped messing with my kids heads the 85% would have never been calculated by me.
But you know what? If he can afford everything ha has bought the last 6months, why hasn't he paid his CS?!?!?


hereiam's picture

He has not paid his CS as a direct "Eff You" to you. That is my take on it because he can obviously afford it but he'd rather buy the kids stuff so he can look like an awesome dad and you don't get your hands on his money (how he sees it).

Your ex is an asshole.

Disneyfan's picture

He can afford all of those toys because he isn't paying CS, medical....

Some BMs are greedy and some BDs are deadbeats.

WTF...REALLY's picture

He does not pay you because you don't make him. Take him to court. Get his check garnished.

Biomomof2's picture

Yeh. It's in the works now. His check is garnished but somehow the military never took the full amount out as he created allotments for his personal bills and finance is a bunch of idiots and they said he had reached his garnishment level. Hmmmm his truck payment is not a garnishment idiots. And the child support division does handle my case, they don't care because he is paying something and I'm not on state assistants. He can get away with felony level back support because I don't have food stamps BuT my bro who owed $200 for a kid he had 7 months straight (BM disappeared and so bro stopped paying. Stupid on his part but....) the state froze his bank account for 60 days for $200 because she is on state everything!!!!!
Sooo now I've hired an attorney to take care of custody, all the contempts of court, then CS, In that order. Let's see where we are in 6 months bi have trail the end of Jan

Biomomof2's picture

Yeh it does suck. BF has been able to pay the system from the beginning.
I received $5200 from his state and federal returns and he still is above felonly level. He got the return size he did because he illegally tried to claim BS. IRS finally cleared my return and audited him about 4 months later. He now, has to pay back the IRS. It's kinda rediculous.

frustratedinNE's picture

No offense but as one of your kids parents why such a large percentage 85%? Shouldn't that be split down the middle? Who pays for medical insurance for the kids? If he does then to me 85% is a joke

Disneyfan's picture

It varies feom place to place. ExDF was ordered to pay CS, 85% of medical, and if BM had a full time job or attended school full time, he would have been on the hook for 100% of day care fees. We're in NYC.

My son's dad was ordered to pay CS,100% of health care (since my union offered free family medical and dental,we used that instead) but nothing fordaycare. That order done in NC.

frustratedinNE's picture

As a wife of a man with kids I do not get how lopsided CS is and percentages of extras! No parent should have to pay more then half, the other parent should have to pay their part. If they can't then time to get a job or a second job. My husband has worked multiple jobs to support our child and the children he unfortunately had before he met me. If a man provides medical insurance and then gets hit with 85% of everything else on top of that then that is a joke

Disneyfan's picture

My son's dad did not have to pay anything for health insurance because of my great benefits package. The fact that I paid union dues saved his butt a ton of money. Moving back to NYC meant my salary increased drastically. As a result, his CS was decreased by more than 50%. Not all dads are getting milked. There are mothers out there who contribute more financially than dads.

frustratedinNE's picture

No the useless custodial parent should get a friggin job and stop using her offspring as a source of income

Biomomof2's picture

This is bullshit and really unnessacary. Useless costodial parent?!?!? Have you ever worked 8-345 everyday with an OCD/Aspergers child not only on school work but behavior training? Plus have to work their therapy and classes into your time?? Try spending 2 hours a day to get a kid to understand there is nothing wrong with the number 3. They can do their math problems, no you are not removing the number 3. Have you ever then spent 3 hours helping your other child who is learning disabled due their homework... Homework that should take 20 minutes and is only 5 math problems.. But each problem takes them 30 minutes or longer.
I get your issues with your BM. She doesn't work, she demands money from your husband and the kids aren't taken care of. But just because I quit my job to give my son a chance at a real life doesn't make me useless and I do take offense to this. Their BF (who I was married too for 10 yrs and had to basically restart my schooling everytime the military moved us, AND I met him when I was active Duty) has never done the dirty work of parenting not with ours not with his oldest. He has been home on leave while I loaded up my 2 yr old son, 4 yr old daughter and his. 13 yr old daughter and drove her 2 hours to have the exam done and a base with real medical care for her wisdom teeth extraction. He has a older kid, we were together from the time she was 6-16. He never handled insurance issues with her, saved money for her plane tickets for visitation, covered his part of anything. From the time I was 21 I have been taking care of medical dental school, eye doctors, insurance, clothing, everything for his oldest (with mom.. But I would help because she NeVER did a CS increase) when he had her for summers I got day camps set up, I would drop her off before work and pick her up after. When our kids were born, I have done everything for them. This BF has never so much as been to a parent teacher confrence let alone a meeting for our sons OCD/Aspergers or had any part in testing. He has never had anything to do with our daughters speech or learning disablity. I have sole legal and don't have to release any information but I have signed paperwork at every doctor, every therapist, every school ( son is in a charter school with most teaching done at home assigned one teacher that over sees what I do with him and then extra classes at school) dad doesn't contact them. Has been to sons school ONCE and it was a week before court.
What I financial contribute to my kids right now comes from DH who has been supporting me working with BS since when he worked 3 on 3 off I would have SGD for 72 hours straight on my own. And DH makes in a month what BF makes in 2 1/2. So don't worry about my financial contribution to my bios. They have plenty here at home. And that has ZERO to do with the fact that BF refuses to pay. Oh, and since your sooo incredible worried about me using him for money, I didn't take him back to court for more CS when I quit. DH and I agreed to leave CS as if I was still working. I'm sorry that you have had such a horrible time in your situation but all BMs are not the same. I don't want to bleed BF dry... But he is responsible for these kids too. And he pays less then 1/4 of what goes to my kids every month. But thank you for pointing out that parents are useless unless they work. I'll make sure to let you know in Febuary when I start my new job, double our household income and we out earned BF by 4 times, and I'm paying for BSs schooling on my own. But then, of course, according to people like you, I'm only doing what I should and BF shouldn't have to pay for what's best for BS.
People like you that pass snap judgements normally don't have all the information and make asses out of themselves.

Biomomof2's picture

Honestly I don't know why it states 85% of uninsured medical/ dental and school costs. But that is far from everything child related.

Biomomof2's picture

I don't work right now, but have a job starting in Febuary. My bios are actually double covered. We have them on my husbands policy and BF covers them. It costs BF $35 a month to cover them. No, I'm not going after the extras he doesn't pay and has never paid. Starting fresh from here on end. As far as CS, yes, I'm going after back support. I have an email were BF straight out told me, I'm married now so anything in this house is mine and DHs financial responsibility. He actually thinks DH should "pick up his slack" but of course never set a rule.
As far as some of the comments that BMs should get off their lazy asses as get a job...well after following BF around while married because he was in the military, I had to go back to school as I was never able to finish. I have been working to get our DD who is majorly learning disabled on target and working one on one with BS who is homeschooled because of his OCD/Aspergers. He is finally getting to a place were he can be in a classroom with other children.
The courts believe that special needs children fall under a different category and have different considerations. If you had a special needs child, you would know this. I have never used BF as a paycheck as if you read the post you would know he was over $10,000 in arrears for CS 5 months around and has never paid for extras. I worked from the time we separated and went to school. It was only at the point that DH encouraged me to stay home and work with BS that I quit.
And thankfully DH supported my choices and my job that starts in Febuary pays double what Bf makes. So, according to the standards you have laid out... BF should go find a better job now. I will still have the kids 89% of the time, full sole legal custody and make double what he does... And he will still be in arrears.

BethAnne's picture

I wouldn't be surprised if he maxed out a credit card or two in the last six months and doesn't actually have the cash or income for CS.