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Braven's picture

Everynight he sleeps on couch.

Everynight TV is on.

I get no sleep.

When I get up from bed from being woke he will say out loud “oh no here comes bitchy”

This is my fiancé that I am talking about.

Next morning he acts like nothing.

How many ppl on here has to have a TV on to sleep?

How many ppl on here can’t stand a TV on to sleep?





BethAnne's picture

My husband will watch a show on his phone or listen to something to fall asleep. My father in law frequently sleeps in front of the TV I think and my sd will listen to the radio to get to sleep.

I don’t think it is very unusual to need some noise to get to sleep.

Fortunately for me my husband is not inconsiderate and will use earphones to listen and I sleep with an eye mask on so the light doesn’t bother me.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Why are you marrying a man who refers to you as "bitchy" and is inconsiderate of your sleep?

Kes's picture

Excuse me - "here comes BITCHY?"  Try saying that to me and he would lose his fiance status before he took his next breath.  

Cooooookies's picture

Why are you still considering him your finace??  If he is this rude and disrespectful to you before marriage, what makes you think this will get any better?  You are worth WAY more than this.

Disneyfan's picture

Why are you focused on the TV and not that fact that the idiot calls you bitchy?  Where is your self respect?

tog redux's picture

Why is he still your fiance again?

I think some people do need the TV to sleep, but that's not really the issue here, is it?

Livingoutloud's picture

If my DH prevented me from getting sleep AND called me names, I’d unplug the TV, cancel cable and change the locks, and his stuff would be thrown on the lawn for him to pick it up later. What the...

Livingoutloud's picture

I just realized that you complain your SS is inconsiderate. But so is his father. 

Crspyew's picture

Is a very important trait in a partner.  If he isn’t using headphones and truly refers to u as “bitchy” he is not considerate.  Other posters are correct.  He is not the man for u.

lieutenant_dad's picture

If every night my FH addressed me as "b*tchy", he'd be sleeping on someone else's couch.

Also, I need white noise, so I'll fall asleep with a TV on then turn it off.

susanm's picture

It is not unusual for a couple to have different sleep needs.  Someone may need total quiet, someone may need background noise, or someone may snore terribly.  You can be a couple and not be able to sleep together.  That is not a deal breaker.

But "here comes b*tchy" when you walk into a room is a whole different ballgame.  That has nothing to do with sleep needs.  That is essential disrespect and a general distain for you as a person.  Why are you allowing this?  And you are actually still considering the possibility of marrying this person?  Forgive me but, unless you are absolutely incapable of supporting yourself and this is the only person who will assist you so that you are not homeless, there is no reason to put up with that kind of treatment.  

Ispofacto's picture

Another vote for dump him.

Being single is better than being in a relationship with a turd.  Get yourself a nice toy from amazon, I recommend the one with the dolphin.