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cant win for losin's Blog

Time for a LAUGH ladies (and you guys too)

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Okay I posted this comment in a reply from someone else's comment. (forgive me I forgot who said will find me Smile )
Anyway, this fellow SP said someone once told them to take dh to a playground for a few hours and let him play with kids he doesn't know and then ask him if he loves them.
Well, I thought this was insightful. I liked it. But I found it also amusing.....

Take dh to a playground.....

hmm, does my bk's soon to be sm dislike them, like some of us..??

cant win for losin's picture

I dunno, just some food for thought.
i have two bk's with exh (ds13 & dd11) of couse they are angels...LOL NOT!!!!!
Seriously though, they are really good kids. I am told all the time how polite, mannered, pleasant, kids they are. Im not a blind momma, and i was young once too. These polite, manneredm pleasant kids have that "other side" typical of their age.
My hormonal dd11. Ha ha Eye rolling, cockiness, attitude, smart mouth. Fights with her brother, very messy room, typical 11 year old not without faults.

O/T stupid captcha....

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Anyone else get annoyed with having to type in them stupid letters and numbers after every single post? And then for it to kick it out that you typed wrong?
STUPID!!!! Make some of your stupid letters more clear and i wont get it wrong!
AND you dumb site, you have this to keep the stupid spam doesnt work cause they still post their dumb ads!


cant win for losin's picture

?abcd ef ghijklk opqrs tu vw xyz are not are too


cant win for losin's picture

Well our relship has bren down to t buse that brngs us


cant win for losin's picture

Let mep ict e. end gets son ERY we blah blah
