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What would you do in this situation? Advice Please

cantmissamy's picture

Ss 15 is a bully and I am not sure what to do about it here. This morning it all came to breaking point with him. The boys were getting ready for school, and me on the couch watching them, well ss yells out that bio son aged 5 hit him, not true, and then grabs bio by kneck and hits on head. I yelled that I was going to have him arrested if he ever layed hands on him again. Well now ss has went and told monster-in law that it was all bio's son and I was going to put him in jail for defending himself and once again she is all over my ass over him lying once again to her. Tell me what would you have done in this situation and how would you handle it?


LMR120's picture

Well I dont really know what to say about the kids hitting each other because I grew up with two older brothers and we used to fight all the time so could it be just plain sibling rilverly? (sp)
As far as MIL goes if she even attempted to talk to me about what I had said I would tell her that she wasnt here she didnt see what happend that it was my house and to but out.

stepmom008's picture

Even IF BS5 DID hit him, that doesn't mean that he had the right to do what he did. This kid is 10 years older than him. He needs to grow up - that's ridiculous. He could really hurt him.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

soverysad's picture

Forget monster-in-law. It is none of her damn business what happens in your home. You have a right and duty to protect a small child from a big bully. A 15 year old hitting a 5 year old for ANY reason is ridiculous.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

stepmom2one's picture

I would have reacted the same way you do, thats for sure.
I would have told MIL that this is serious, a 15 yr old does not DEFEND himself to a 5 yr old!!

Even if BS did do something to him (which he didn't) that his reaction would have been completely out of line. So no matter who she believes SSs behavior was not acceptable. It is your home and you will handle it the way you want. If she wants SS to live with her she should speak to her son about it.

Next time this happens call the police. This is sibiling abuse and it should be documented.