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SS wants to go to SIL’s son birthday on our time

Caroline2b1211's picture

Hi everyone, 

While we didn't have any drama since DH cut ties with his family, here we go again ! 

SS is supposed to come one week in august for visitation. Everything is planned since many weeks, and we already have paid and booked center activity for SS. 

Today, SS called to ask if he can go to his cousin birthday (1 year old baby boy) that occurs during the visitation week. Everything has been planned by MIL and SIL. They planned to pick up SS on the morning (2 hours driving) and to drop him off in the evening (2 hours driving). 
DH said no and explained to SS that he already notice that he his not allowed to have contact with ILs during his visitations. Even if it's a celebration ! 
Now SS is not happy at all, and play guilty trick with DH.

I guess we will spend our life having drama with those evil people. 



Winterglow's picture

Stick to your guns. I'm glad you're keeping him away from those toxic beasts. The activity centre will do him the power of good - being with others of his age is a great thing!

Pfff, he was probably thinking that he'd make the birthday party all about him and not the baby, right?

Caroline2b1211's picture

Of course we are making everything we can to protect him from their toxic manipulative game. However, he still goes to them during BM times...

Finally, yes, he thinks it will be all about him since i'm sure MIL and SIL will show things this way

Caroline2b1211's picture

Thanks, i guess those two evil bit**** will never let us in peace. 
It might last until SS majority, or even more...

hereiam's picture

So, a FOUR hour trip so that he can go to a ONE year old's birthday party? Give me a break.

These people are nuts.

Caroline2b1211's picture

Exaclty ! Four hours trip ! MIL said to SS she will drive and that DH doesn't need to take the car. 
That's sounds so insane when you put it in the perspective where MIL didn't have the time to come and see our baby because she had to drive 2 hours during the day. She texted me it was soo exhausting and that i should understand.

Now she is open to drive the double just to catch SS who she sees frequently !

Just insane.

thinkthrice's picture

The bday party as a diaper changing event...with SS obliged to take a turn.


Caroline2b1211's picture

SS sees this event more like the occasion to come to MIL and play poor victim. He knows that MIL encourages that sort of behaviour by saying "SIL and I are here to protect you from them,  tell us if you are in danger so we can come and take you out of there" 

Unfortunately SS takes pleasure to play that role because for now, it's really convenient and comfortable. However, this dynamic just ruin the relationship he has with our household.