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Always to Blame for Something - VENT

CastleJJ's picture

SS12 has been home with BM for almost 3 weeks now. BM has emailed DH several times, all with stupid, unnecessary emails to clearly remain relevant. DH either hasn't responded or responded "Thanks for the update."

Today, BM emails DH to let him know that SS had his orthodontist appointment (of course GF took him). She couldn't wait to blame DH for the current condition of SS' teeth. She stated that at SS' last orthodontic visit at the end of May (right before SS came here), his teeth were super well taken care of. She said SS' teeth were "commercial worthy for how teeth with braces should be," yet at today's visit, they found tons of plaque build-up and staining. BM is trying to insinuate that because we had SS for 4 weeks between his last orthodontic visit and today's orthodonic visit, we are to blame for his dental demise.

GOOD FRICKIN LORD. We provided that kid with every flosser, toothpaste, brissle brush, and mouthwash recommended by the orthodontist. DH encouraged SS with his routine nightly and SS spent a good 10 minutes on oral hygiene each night. Not to mention, SS has been home with BM for 3 weeks, so if BM and GF were keeping up on his oral hygiene so closely to maintain his "commercial worthy teeth," they would have undone any "damage" caused by our visit. BM is far too absent in SS' life to hound him about his oral hygiene, braces stains, and plaque. Plus, anyone knows that the longer you have braces, the more plaque and staining are bound to occur, just due to the duration of treatment. 

Clearly, BM is just pissed that SS had a great 4 weeks with us and because SS didn't provide her with anything juicy enough to criticize DH on, she is going to use this. DH just responded "Thank you for the update. We provided all dental hygiene products as recommended by the orthodontist and encouraged his routine nightly. I will continue to encourage with future visits."

Like c'mon BM. It's always something; we let SS stay up too late, he eats too much junk food here, BM doesn't like who he hangs out with here, we travel with SS too much, SS doesn't wear enough sunscreen or bug spray, SS was abused playing with NERF guns... I could go on and on with excuses/criticisms she has come up with over the years. Yet the double standards are ever obvious at BM's house. I'm so glad BM is so damn perfect. 


notsurehowtodeal's picture

The response of your DH was perfect! He has really figured out how to handle all her stupid communications. While I know it was tempting to point out he has been home for 3 weeks and perhaps it was that period of time that caused the problem - I'm sure his response was much more effective. You are right, she is upset because the visit went so well and SS was fine being away from her for 3 weeks.

CastleJJ's picture

It took years of failed communication for DH and I to realize that defending ourselves or arguing with BM was a waste of time. Sometimes I wish we could go back in time and slap ourselves upside the head for our poor, lengthy communication, justifying our actions, that often led to toxic, dragged out fights with BM. We gave her the attention and reaction she wanted over and over again. It's not worth the breath because no matter how much we justify our actions or are "right", we will always be wrong. BM is always perfect and DH is always a failure, loser, and deadbeat. 

I told DH that if BM responds, tempting him for a fight, he cannot respond. DH said all he needs to say in that first response. 

MorningMia's picture

You all are doing great operating as a team. It's still annoying, though, I know. 

Lillywy00's picture

It took years of failed communication for DH and I to realize that defending ourselves or arguing with BM was a waste of time

people with narcissistic tendencies aren't looking to have healthy communication....they're looking to bait you into debates and arguments to fuel their narcissistic supply

let them struggle / run on Empty 

Thos super brief responses are perfect

AlmostGone834's picture

That's exactly the response I would have given. I deal with a lot of personalities and that's a perfect canned response. Now ignore, ignore, ignore. 

Yesterdays's picture

That sounds infuriating to deal with. Petty and immature. People that act that way are sad in their own life because they have nothing better to do with their time. I get this vibe from them. Like are they that jealous? That they have to do these jabs? They're upset to see him happy somewhere else. Which I always find incredibly sad.... 

CastleJJ's picture

I think BM is narcissistic. She literally has all of the traits of someone who would be labeled as a narcissist. GF on the other hand has a superiority complex, but a lot of insecurity and paranoia. I think overall, they both think they are better than everyone in this world (DH, me, their families, their friends, coworkers, everyone). It is why they push SS12 so hard to be the smartest, best athlete, etc. BM used to blatantly criticize DH on literally everything, but the courts shut her down on that behavior so now it is far less, but she still finds her ways to jab, like this email. She doesn't directly call DH out, but the insinuation is clear. 

I think BM thinks that DH is a failure as a parent because there can only be one and she is superior. And I think it kills BM to see DD2, who is thriving, happy, and ahead on her milestones, because DD contradicts everything BM thinks about DH as a Dad and us as a family. We could never raise a healthy, smart, happy, well-adjusted child because we are losers, failures, and deadbeats. Every time BM sees DD at a pick-up, you see BMs head explode a little bit. She gets super uncomfortable and shuts down. 

Winterglow's picture

She's probably also uncomfortable about your dd because she seems to have strung her gf along about having a baby ( something gf wanted more than anything else in the world). Your little girl is a constant reminder of that. To her, it must feel as if you're rubbing her nose in it. Go you!

notarelative's picture

SS is 12. He spent three consecutive weeks at Dad's experiencing normalcy. The first time he's had to settle in. Then he went back to where the pressure is to be super. Where the pressure to complain about your dad's house is constant.

SS is 12. He's at the age where kids want to start being in control. Is it possible that he is now controlling one of the only things he can (his oral hygiene)? Unless BM or GF stands next to him in the bathroom to supervice his tooth care, his next ortho visit may not be better.

DH's reply was perfect.

Livingoutloud's picture

I actually think BM and GF are insecure about themselves as parents and people and possibly insecure about their marriage (not as happy as they claim). Their financial situation is likely bad too because they don't even take vacations (but promise poor SS).

Deep inside they likely know that you have a good family and DH is a good husband and father to both SD abd DD. So they are being nasty trying to cover up their insecurity. If they were secure and happy, they'd not be sending nasty grams.  


CastleJJ's picture

I think BM and GF are insecure about public opinion. They are a gay couple, living in a very conservative state, raising BM's child who has an active father (that BM likes to hide), and oh BTW, BM was a teen Mom. I think they are trying to rewrite the narrative to make all of this sound better than it is and to make themselves "fit in" with their "peers" because SS' friends all have much older parents (at least 10 years older) due to BM having him as a teen. I can't speak to their marriage but they seem grossly obsessed with one another. I think they both struggle to accept that we do have a good family and SS loves us, no matter how hard they fight it. 

BM and GF make good money. We know this for a fact because BM had to provide her financials last year when she requested a CS adjustment. BM alone is clearing $100k, not including the $9k a year BM gets from DH in CS. DH and I assume GF is at least clearing $60k based on research, but likely more. Money isn't the issue here (or at least it shouldn't be). SS claims they are always broke, never go out to eat, never buy stuff, but we don't understand how, given we have proof of BM's financials. I think BM and GF spend their money on themselves (3 week honeymoon abroad, new cars for both, etc.) instead of spending on SS like they promise. DH and I bring in quite a bit less than BM and GF, but we still try to make it all work. It's all about priorities. 

CastleJJ's picture

That would be my only thought. But BM bragged a few years ago about being on an income-driven 25 year repayment plan so who knows. 

thinkthrice's picture

Have terrible credit scores as they are horrible at managing money.   Lottery winner syndrome.  Hopefully SS well be able to see through their smoke and mirrors as he gets older. 

Lillywy00's picture


Just because a person is good at earning income/clearing over 6figures doesn't mean they are good a managing said money. They can be check to check, overextending themselves, pissing money out the window just like the average Joe blow making 45k

CastleJJ's picture

UPDATE: LOL BM emailed DH back and she is backpedaling. Her response basically stated "SS is 12, so at this age, all we can do as parents is make sure he has the necessary tools and remind him, but the rest is on him." Wow what a change of tune from the first email blaming DH for SS' dental demise. I'm sure BM thought we didnt provide SS with anything to care for his braces but she was clearly proven wrong. DH didn't respond. 

Lillywy00's picture

Her response basically stated "SS is 12, so at this age, all we can do as parents is make sure he has the necessary tools and remind him, but the rest is on him." 

good she finally came to her senses. 

nobody's fault but ss that he didn't brush/floss his teeth thoroughly ... really not a blame game bc plaque can happen to anyone. 

Actually wouldn't be surprised if she made this whole story up 

Good that he didn't respond 

She clearly is using SS to seek attention from your DH and he's not giving her the satisfaction so now she has to go look for her free narc supply she should

Harry's picture

She doesn't want to do the work of mothering But wants everyone to know she the MOTY.  She has nothing to do ,so she sends e mail and text to DH. " Just to let you know".....  fill in the blanks. SS.... had dress by himself almost... went to school.  Ect,ect.   You know the way she is .  She is lucky that her GF is taking care of her DS.  THIS is your life.  DH should not answer back stupid texts.  
'Her way to tell him he missing out on life. Missing his Happy Family.  That he should of stayed with her and her GF.  Three way, or Two way. One way?  

Lillywy00's picture

Her way to tell him he missing out on life. Missing his Happy Family.  That he should of stayed with her and her GF.  Three way, or Two way. One way?  


These unstable exes probably getting extreme dopamine hits from the mere thought of any semblance of a sisterwive, brother husbands, smorgasbord of emotional open marriage shenanigans 

Rags's picture

As the CP and DH only having 6wks of visitation a year, SS dental health is entirely on BM.

Time to bare her ass with that fact.

Call her out and end the ass baring with "His teeth and gums were healthy when he left here weeks ago. The 46 weeks a year he is with you sets his dental condition, not the intermittent portions of the 6wks he spends with us. Stop trying to blame us for your failure as a parent on this."
