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Going to Visit SS10 & Football

CastleJJ's picture

When SS10 was visiting this summer, he asked if we would be open to coming to BM's state to watch him play in one football game. Now, we haven't been to BM's state since 2018 because BM was using those out of state visits to argue in court that SS doesn't need to visit us here, that DH could do all visitation in BM's state, at our expense of course. BM wanted DH to visit SS in her state seven to ten weekends per year. DH refused and later, the judge refused, but BM kept remotioning for it. That is when court became extremely volatile and BM started to fight solely to win at whatever means necessary. Ultimately, BM didn't get the out of state visitation she wanted, but the trauma from court wasn't worth it. DH and I haven't been back to her state since because dealing with her just wasn't worth it. 

DH and I have been discussing it for a few weeks now and we agreed to go down for one weekend this Fall. Things with BM have calmed a bit aside from her occasional outburst. It is on our terms and since our CO is pretty much set in stone, this one visit wouldn't commit us to future visits. We discussed it with SS10 last night and gathered two weekend dates. We ran these dates by BM, requesting that SS stay with us for the duration of our visit and she was very agreeable and polite, even sending DH photos of SS after his last game, which like I told DH, isn't surprising because she is getting what she wants. BM is only ever "nice" when it works in her favor. 

So DH, DD, and I will be traveling to BM's state at the end of September for a single overnight, Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon. This allows us to see SS before Thanksgiving and allows DH and I to feel better about doing what we can to foster a relationship with SS. Plus, we have been feeling guilty about not stepping foot in BM's town for 4 years outside of pick-ups and drop-offs.

In other news, DH was reading through the football team app and one Mom posted, asking why 6 players were benched for the entire game this weekend. The head coach stated that he refuses to accept text messages or emails from parents about playing time for 24 hours after the game, to not ruin the win or deal with the loss. The head coach went on a long rant, calling out that parent specifically, highlighting that this team is only for "the best" and each player (i.e. SS) is hand selected by the coach for that team. He went on to state that it isn't just about coming to practice and playing in games, but dedicating yourself 100% to football and the team on and off the field. He stated that life is a competition, so he is setting his players up to compete for the rest of their lives. He stated to this Mom that there will be 3 games where the "playing time concerned parents" can watch their kids play (basically against the other league teams that suck) and to "invite the whole family" because basically, these kids won't be playing against any team that they may actually lose to; he needs his best players for that. He ended the statement with "Love above everything."

DH and I were appalled. It's like a frickin cult. This is youth football - the kids are 10 years old for crying out loud. SS of course made this team because he has been playing under this coach since he was 5. The coach has favorites - basically anyone who has played under him long term. SS told us that the head coach cusses at them constantly, dropping F bombs, and just last week, we saw on the app, that the coach was ejected from the game for unsportsman-like conduct towards the refs. This and SS is worried about not weighing 80 lbs and wants to go on a binging spree, weighing himself as he goes. It's all so unhealthy. BM loves it though and this is who BM chooses to be SS' male role model. When BM sent DH the photos tonight, she said "SS did so great. They called his name over the loud speaker so many times. He was the best." So there it is "SS IS THE BEST," which is all BM wants him to be. We can see where BM is getting her narc supply lately.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

Quit feeling guilty about not spending time in BM's town, you quit going there for sound and logical reasons. That being said, I hope your weekend goes well and it sounds like a good idea to try going to one game. I'm so sorry you SS has such a horrible coach! Your BM is doing everything she can to make sure he grows up with influence of only toxic males, which has to be hard on DH.

CastleJJ's picture

Between BM's narcissistic personality, BM and GF trying to convince SS that he is their biological child together, and all of the toxic male role models in SS' life, SS is destined to grow up to be a real winner. DH said the only blessing is that DH won't be the cause of SS' outcomes, since he wasn't allowed to be present or involved. So if SS grows up to be a toxic a-hole or have severe mental health issues due to BM's parenting, DH knows he isn't responsible. 

ndc's picture

I'm not sure why you and DH would feel guilty about not setting foot in BM's town.  Why should you?  I'm sure she doesn't feel guilty about moving SS away from his father.

That football coach sounds horrid.  10 year olds don't need that kind of a role model. Your BM is a piece of work.

CastleJJ's picture

I think we just feel guilty because we have such little involvement with SS since we only see him 6 weeks per year. He lives this totally separate life with sports, school, and friends that we know nothing about outside of what he tells us and what we receive via email. We feel guilty for not being there for any of it. Sometimes I think the logic of "love your child more than you hate your ex" that gets to us. I know it's probably not smart to visit in BM's town, but then we think about how SS is innocent in all of this, so is it really fair to avoid his hometown and everything in his life just to separate ourselves from BM? Plus BM has been really good a guilting us all of these years. These are the issues we have been struggling with for years.  

advice.only2's picture

All little league sports and travel sports are toxic in my opinion.  Our town is very big on baseball, football and soccer.  My DH has a hand in football and baseball and talks about how toxic the whole thing is (parents, coaches, kids) he said he prefers high school sports over little league.  The travel soccer group we had here I think disbanded after the head coach was caught screweing one of the 16 year old players.  

CastleJJ's picture

That's horrible! I agree - they are toxic. I never did leagues as a kid. I did sport camps like a 4 week bowling camp or 6 week tennis camp, but I never played in leagues for this exact reason. 

Ironically, my brother (who is on the autism spectrum) wanted to play little league as a kid. When he tried out, the toxicity was evident and he was cut. We found out that many children with disabilities or social differences were also cut. So one of the Dads wanted to form a separate team of all the "misfits' including his son and my Dad's company sponsored it. That misfit team went undefeated the whole season and they definitely had a more positive attitude than any other team on the league.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

What a great story! Good for that special Dad and for Dad helping out. Sounds like a movie!