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Driving Miss Daisy Powersulk

CLove's picture

Quick update, and hope you all enjoyed eclips-ing. Several photographer friends got some relly incredible photos and one even did a time lapse series that was jaw dropping. I gardened and planted and enjoyed not watching it.

Thanks for the advice - a resounding series of Dont Do Or Say Anything To Powersulk or Husband about Driving Test, Even If Its Only To Help.

Powersulk has mainly been staying in her room. She comes out to eat, she came out to discuss payment and ordering of cap and gown, and did some dishes (her one chore). So, I havent had any opportunities to speak with her about anything.

Easy advice to take. Only have to bite my tongue a few times. Such as today a rainy Saturday Im in cleaning mode and husband wants to do a dump run in between showers, and Im thinking "well powersulk can maybe fill a few bags in anticipation of her big transition (my term for end of visitation)" nope. From prior and current advice do nothing and say nothing to powersulk about anything serious. Good morning goodnight and hello.

It only took several painful years...


notsurehowtodeal's picture

Good for you! I know it is hard, when all you want to do is help - but they don't want your help, and things go so much better for you when you stay disengaged.

AgedOut's picture

when you say nothing you do powerful things:

1. you take away her victimhood

2. you take away him protecting her, believe me he knows what she needs to do he just doesn't want to deal with it and when you don't say a word he can't use you picking on poor her as his excuse to do or not do something. 

Rags's picture

Good for you.  Now, are you going to the maybe graduation, I'm not holding my breath regarding PS actually graduating, or are you staying home and bagging PS's shit and putting out in the garage while she kmaybe walks to the pinacle of accomplishment in her shit genetics  and shit parenting pre-ordained life outcome?

Either way, a watershed day on the shrinking horizon.

Deep breaths and enjoy!!!!

Exjuliemccoy's picture

learninghowtodeal and AgedOut have distilled it for you, CLove. Make a copy of their posts and review daily.

Harry's picture

The school doesn't want her another year.  If they the school keeps back ten kids they will have to hire more  teachers.  You have to draw the line