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Happy Birthday

CLove's picture

Greetings fellow Steptalkers!

I am very grateful for all of you who have supported me all these years and given me advice from the heart, I truly appreciate each of you (not the trolls...) and am sending out my love to all here that have been through my step-journey, every step of the way. You have lifted me out of some of my darkest caverns and with humor, intelligence, intention and love and have made the difference in my life that no others can.


Just reading through here and wishing everyone well. 

And wanted to share a nice message from SD15 just now:

"Happy birthday CLove, love you and hope you have a nice day today!"

I never mentioned my birthday at all...probably DH did.

But Ill take what I can get!!!!!

Either way I am grateful for what I have in my life. 53 isnt that bad actually.



Stepdrama2020's picture

Happy Birthday sweetie!


JRI's picture

From my vantage at 76, you are just an infant, Clove.  Lol.

Back in the day, my employees would say, " Oh, gosh, I'm turning 30!" Or " Oh, gosh, I'm turning 40"  I would tell them my 30s were better than my 2os, my 40s were better than my 30's, etc.  Its true.

Hope you're having a great day!

grannyd's picture

Yup, JRI, we're the same age and I can assure our dear Clove that she's in her prime!

Have a rocking good birthday, Clove; hope that it's filled with lots of love and happiness. Give rose