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Turn of the Screw aka a new day, a new week, same ole thing

CLove's picture

A weekend feels like I lived a lifetime.

Here is where we are at today:

Friday I told husband that I dont like being the task mistress, it just never works out well for me, because years of not being supported and years of being ignored. Passive agressive ignore the texts stuff. Then I get irritated, react, she plays hurt feelings victim, husband swoops in to comfort her against the meanie, same ole play out.

So, he responded with "but I want it to come from YOU, and that way she will learn she has to listen to you..." um ok, sure. I said "so you are telling me that you want me to be EMPOWERED to ask for things"...ive been using big words like that a lot, TEAM, EMPOWERMENT, working TOGETHER through things. 

I knew it would not go well, and it played out like I thought it would.

Well, I cleaned and cleared the house and backyard, and worked with pupster on pooping peeing and fetch, while SD18 Princess powersulk do nada slept in and did 1 task - clean the stove top. I think she walked the dog once and supervised play for 10 minutes. That was Saturday, and husband and I were able to go out for a fun evening of live music that night while puppy was in his crate.

The next morning, Sunday, PPSDN took puppy out for the entire day, a fun day off with her friends. I had asked for times of back at home (ignored), and for stuff to get done - you know - chores (ignored and not done). Asked if she would be going to her mothers for this week (ignored), and was myself having a fun albeit long day with MY friends, not at all concerned about having to do anything for puppy or with puppy.

Hes gotten really good at poo and pee and fetch as well as recall. Ive been working really hard and extensively. Feeling super drained. Because I dont trust either of THEM, and getting it all in early is the way to go.

After a long long long day, I get home, PPSDN in bed and puppy in crate. No text about when home no nothing.

I was super cranky and let loose on Hubsand. I was super cranky this morning and just knocked really hard on the door to wake Princess while she is in her blissful sleep as Im slogging off to work this morning. Asked if shes going to her mothers "thank you for letting me know" sarcastically of course (because my new second job is to irritate the eff out of both of them! I even made up a song called "sleeping in cause Im a free-gan" and sang it to husband.)

I wanted to provide more irritation so I texted a task request. Heres how it went:

Hey PPSDN if you could please put the dishes away, that would be great.

PPSDN: alright

Husband: Thank you PPSDN

PPSDN: Your welcome Dad.

ME: (steam coming out my ears, taking a few breaths, writing a few texts then deleting them, then thinking back to all the advice "dont do it! and "play the victim!")

O thank you PPSDN I really appreciate this so much, Ive really been feeling overwhelmed with sending our beloved pooch to the next plane, having then losing another pooch, and now this sweet energetic lovely new puppy, Im having a tough time handling everything!!!"

So, my big plan as I detailed to my friend: I dont need her to do tasks, I dont need help with puppy. I am going to hold back 150 for my share of her $300 monthly rent, giving her 2 free months as my gift. No more passport. No more pushing to get a job, to be enabled, no more pushing for photo id...I did all the spoonfeeding Im going to do. I have other plans like vacation and me-time and Im determined to control the narrative. And irritate the heck out of them.


ESMOD's picture

DH.. If she hasn't learned how to listen to me by now.. it ain't gonna happen.. so now it's on YOU.

You need to tell her and from now on.. the puppy doesn't leave the house with her.. she can go on specific potty outings.. period.. no showing off pup all day.  You KNOW that is a recipe for disaster right? she could leave it in a car.. let it run off.. I don't understand why you would even entertain allowing that.

CLove's picture

This is my first time in this situation. Shes taken her mothers (aka hers) dog all over the area with her friends. Plus, not my puppy really so if he runs off its not my problem. I mean I really like puppy, but this is all on Husband and HE gave her permission, so I was out of that whole ask permission thing. I didnt even know until she was gone.

As to the showing off thing - well I figured if it got puppy out and socializing all day thats even better.

Giving her limits on that wont work well for me until we get the kennel going and shes got less "puppy sitter power".

And yes, I mentioned "hey 10 years of she never had to listen to me, its not going to change without a LOT of work on your part". Irritating is my new Game, babay. Gottta WERK.

ESMOD's picture

ahhh ok.. I thought it was both your dog.. esp since you seem to be doing the lion's share of the actual work with it.  And.. I know.. that is something that will benefit you since you will have to live with it.


CLove's picture

But decided to remain disengaged yet involved because I wanted to come from a position of I get a say so. This gives me a sort of ownership.

Rags's picture

IMHO this is far beyone  you getting A say so. You get THE say so.

That is the hill I recommend you plant your flag on in all of this now that PPSDN is ostensibly an adult.  Never let DH fail to suffer for stupid decisions and for sure do not fail to make PPSDN suffer for her DN life choices.  DN means she does nothing that she does not pay for. No roof, no food, no money for hanging out with friends, NADA!!!! 

No one has a duty to support an adult, feed an adult, house an adult. So, let her go on the starvation diet and the no access to the home without daddy being home. 

I would have her very hot in the summer, very cold in the winter, very hungryand thirsty every day if I were you.



Ntmtoskids's picture

Your DUH is undermining you. Give him the list and tell him he's responsible. All this undermining has ingrained in her that it's okay to be disrespectful. Wait until one day out of the blue she accuses you of having made her childhood a living hell by physically and verbally abusing her. And DUH will let that go too. Ask me how I know. 

CLove's picture

Thats too much work. On top of my draining full time job, and new job as Irritation Queen, I dont have time or energy to assign tasks that are day specific and that will be done or not done and I have to check up on.

No. The answer is simple - $150 monthly rent to be taken from the bill money I typically give him. That or decrease my contribution to the mortgage (currently 50/50). And wipe my hands of enabling her by getting (pushing) her to get photo id and job and fafsa stuff done, and bus pass...

CLove's picture

I maintain that althrough she might not be there physically 100% her occupation of the room is 100%, so no pro-rates. Its going to be a monthly divided between the two of us, and I will withhold that amount from monthly bills.

And because I am nice, she gets 2 months free - June and July.

hereiam's picture

he responded with "but I want it to come from YOU, and that way she will learn she has to listen to you..

Hahaha! Yeah, that's not how it works. Besides, he has already shown her that she really doesn't have to listen to you. And, he doesn't listen to you, either.

CLove's picture

I am no longer "simmering in silence" and have become the Queen of Irritation. Yeah. He wouldnt know empowerment if it hit him upside the head and slapped him sideways.

Lillywy00's picture

So, he responded with "but I want it to come from YOU, and that way she will learn she has to listen to you...

Tell me your scared of your kid without telling me you're scared of your kid. 

He's scared.   Scared if she has an emotionally manipulative meltdown then he will be caught in the crossfire. 

Tell him to grow a pair or get comfortable sleeping in the basement 

*sidenote I'm not married but this is what I would do if I was 

CLove's picture

Weve talked about her patented Voice Tremble TM

Hence why he read the riot act about her little squak about "I need a break".

Its not p@ssy power its puppy sitting power. Same thing happened when his eldest would do elder care. She held the power until she decided not to do it anymore.

Harry's picture

She should pay her way now. Out of high school. Not in college.  I would withhold closer to 1/3 the money. Three people 3/3