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maybe some of us just aren't cut out to live this life

Cocoa's picture

maybe it's just a matter of peoples' different tolerance levels. i would hate to say that i'm one of THOSE step mothers, but i just don't think i have the tolerance, the generosity of spirit anymore to share my husband with his first family and his mother. i'm sure there are those women out there that can.

my husband left me today. he went (once again) to his mother's. i told him before that the next time he did, i was done. i was hoping and praying that he didn't go there, that he went to a motel to cool off. but, yes, i did a drive by and his car was at his mommie's. i guess it's final. it IS final.

it isn't simply a step-kid situation. it's been a lying, non-trusting, mil, skid, ex wife situation. i had them all! and it's so hard to determine the true reason. all of them? i don't know but my anxiety level is out the roof.

i am feeling a mixture of devastation and relief right now. it changes hour by hour. just be here for me please. i need all the strength i can get. i need serious therapy.


bi's picture

you are right to be done with him. it sounds like he isn't mature enough to be married to anyone. why did he leave? does he leave anytime there is any sign of distress in the marriage? i had a bf like that. everything had to be perfect (to him) or he was done. i can almost promise you that dh will be back and expect you to accept him with open arms. if he has been treating you like a babysitter, maid, cook, housekeeper, etc and not doing his part to nurture your marriage, i do hope you will find someone who is mature enough to be in a relationship and not go back to this garbage. my exdh liked to run his mouth to mommy about everything, too. never sat down and discussed things with ME, never tried to work out our issues like an adult, nope. first and only step was to tell mommy how awful i am because i don't just bow down to whatever he wants all the time. men like this aren't worth any good woman's time.