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It's not fair...

Cover1W's picture

DP and I were talking about the July 4th weekend. He got information late last week that some relatives he wants to see are home for the July 4 holiday/week (?) and he would like to take me and SDs to see them.

Me: That's fine but July 4 weekend is going to really suck for driving, i.e. traffic issues (the location is about 3 hours driving time away...with no traffic).

DP: Yeah, but we won't go on the travel days.

Me: ??

DP: We'd leave after the 4th.

Me: But that's a Sunday. I have to work Monday...I can't just ask for that time off, jury duty this week and then 10 days off mid-July and then more time off the first week of August. It's way too busy at work to ask for last minute time.

DP: (looks bummed like he doesn't remember I have a 9-5 job that's screaming busy in the first part of the summer)

Me: But that doesn't mean you can't take SDs. You guys should go. But remember they are scheduled to go back to BMs on the 5th, she'll probably be willing to re-schedule other time off since it's a relative issue.

DP: Well, I think the whole summer schedule is messed up. I'm hardly going to see them!

Me: DP, I was there when you two were going over the schedule (week by week, they were on speakerphone so I could hear too, but I let them talk). You both have the SAME amount of days this summer.

DP: Well it doesn't feel like it.

Me: (realized he is 6 days into an 8 day stretch w/out SDs, and he doesn't like it...I am sooooo relaxed on the other hand). Well, it's even. I know it's not the week on / week off like last year but it's the way you two agreed to it. If you want it changed, you'll have to contact BM.

....and then I was done. The schedule for this summer is pretty good from my POV. I'll be working for a lot of the days they are with us or they will be with DP on a trip in August, part of it without me. I'm looking forward to it unless DP changes it up.


1000Kutz's picture

I love the way he trap responded to your perfectly logical suggestion to talk to BM and reschedule with ranting and raving about a problem that didn't even exist. Some of these men just aren't happy unless they're playing the victim.