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Parents...yoo hoo...parents?...Hellloooo?

Cover1W's picture

Holy Toledo.

WTF is WRONG with the parents?

DP still hadn't helped SD10 with her laundry, in over 2 weeks. She had NO socks and NO pants she could wear. Two filthy sweatshirts and no t-shirts. She's a good kid and does exactly what she's been taught to do with her laundry and if she does that, then things will be washed. Until I stepped away. Well, I damn well got involved last night...taught her how to run the washer (same thing I did with SD12 who doesn't clean anything at all) - she already knows how to run the dryer so we are good there. Told DP she helped me get her laundry going so she had clothes to wear at school. He looked at me like "what?!" I ignored.

He was also supposed to order more socks/pants for her this week and I don't think he's done it. I gave her a couple pairs of my socks she can have. I will NOT buy clothes. Turns out she has no underwear at BMs either, or socks. Why can these two not figure out how to buy clothes for their kids? Even the basics!

Then SD10 was chatting with me this morning about this stuffed animal she made for art class and adores. This weekend, SD12 BOOBY TRAPPED the thing with a needle and partially ripped its arm off. SD10 didn't sound too upset, but she's normally a calm kid, and was saying she could repair it but her needle and thread is gone (SD12 took those...). WTF? If that was going down in my house, and DP wasn't on top of it, SD12 would have serious issues with me. I told SD10 someone could get hurt with missing needles (and one of the reasons why my sewing kit is locked up - SD12 could not be trusted to maintain thread and needles) and yes, her mom knows about it. BM is avoiding confrontation with SD12 continuously...apparently a hallmark of her personality/relationship with DP too.

I feel like I'm this very sane, but also crazy, person trying to help kids from the sidelines. But that's EXACTLY what it is...!

:O :O :O :O


Teas83's picture

WTH is wrong with her parents that she has no underwear, of all things?

Buying clothes for my SD is one of the many things that I *used* to do but stopped doing after getting no appreciation from my husband. It's actually now in his CO that BM is supposed to send all items that SD needs for her EOWE visits. Of course she typically sends old clothes that are too small, stained, ripped, etc. I happened to see the size of underwear that SD was wearing on a recent visit - size 3! This girl is 8 years old. It's embarrassing for me to be out with her in public when she's wearing the things that BM sends. There's a pair of tiny, inappropriate purple shorts that she always wears - if I didn't know any better I would think they were bikini bottoms.

My husband is clueless when it comes to buying clothes for SD but I refuse to help him at this point. My family members always get SD nice clothes for birthdays and Christmas, but she and my husband are terrible at caring for the items properly. They'll sit in SD's laundry basket for 6 months or more at a time.

Cover1W's picture

I have no hesitation in discarding clothing that's too small, too stained or too worn out.
Hell, the parents don't have a clue, so I'll get rid of that stuff quickly.

SD10 was wearing a pair of underwear 2 sizes too big (I think I have effectively discarded all those 2 sizes too small now) yesterday because she had none at BMs. They were her sisters (luckily never worn by know, cause underwear is a bother).

I help DP with clothes to the extent that I alert him to the fact of the need ONE TIME. Often he'll ask me to go to Amazon with SD to pick out what they want and add it to his cart (I don't mind doing this) and then it's up to him to buy the stuff. I'm done as soon as the list is transferred to ready for purchase.

Cover1W's picture

I am about ready to get rid of WiFi for the entire freaking house.
SD10 and myself won't really care but DP and SD12 are consumed by their electronics.
THAT'S why DP seems like a dipshit - his face is always in his phone/iPad/computer...and nothing gets done. I'm going to be on him about that this summer you bet!