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My Easter Weekend in an Egg Shell (O/T)

Drac0's picture

Not exactly StepTalk related but some people asked me how my Easter went.

Easter Sunday went really well. The events leading up to Easter Sunday, not so much. DW and I got our wires crossed over “who does what” in preparation for Easter. The house needed to be cleaned, decorations needed to be bought, SS needed to be picked up from his Dad’s, laundry needed to be done, etc. As of Saturday night, only half of the things we wanted to do got done…This caused DW to start freaking out.

Now I don’t want to draw any gender stereotypes here but why is it that ALL the women in my life, from my Mom, to my aunts, my sister-in-laws and even my ex-wife would quite literally FREAK THE HELL OUT over the state of the house before guests are coming over? WHY!? There is no reason for it! I certainly don’t stress out. It’s not that I don’t give a sh*t, it’s just that if any house guest comes over and remarks about how “unclean” my house is, rest assured that person will not be invited over any more. Now my Mom was the worst, she would be after me and my brother like a hell hound chasing our souls down. She would scream at us at the top of her lungs to get our rooms cleaner than a surgeon’s operating room…And then when guests come over and remark “My, my! Your sons keep their rooms nice and clean!” My Mom would retort. “You should see the state they NORMALLY keep their rooms in!”

Needless to say, my brother and I quickly learned to ignore my Mom when it came to prepping the house for the holidays.

Anyways, Saturday night saw DW wigging out. She decided to have a couple of glasses of wine to take the edge off. Now DW is the type of person that when she drinks when she is stressed she has a nasty tendency of rambling on and on and on…often repeating herself and going off on wild tangents (like apparently there is a connection between my Mom's cooking and BS getting a febrile seizure).

By 10pm, DW is just hammered and totally unproductive. She’s rambling on, wigging out, crying…I told her to just sit down, relax and please stop talking. I probably shouldn’t have told her to “stop talking” because that just set her off even more. Frak me! Okay, okay, my bad….I apologized to her, tell her that everything is going to be alright, just, please, please, PLEASE try to relax! This is supposed to be a fun and happy occasion!

DW plops down on the couch and passes out….Kids are now fast asleep too.

It’s 11pm, the house is eerily quiet and I still have a bundle of energy. So I go into “House decorating mode" ninja style. I plant the eggs around the house. I make a simple Easter egg hunt for BS and BD; and a more complicated one for SS. I am putting up stickers and arrows all over the house. I even put bunny-ears on passed out DW (I contemplated taking a pic and posting it on FB but thought better of it). I could only imagine DW’s face when she woke up around 3 in the morning. I know she woke up around 3 because she posted on FB “My husband is the best Easter Bunny ever!”

The kids woke up and they were thrilled. I went and fetched SS later and when he saw the house he was thrilled.

Comments's picture

LMAO!!!! Way to go Draco!!!!

Also, I'm the same way about my house. I only turn into a crabby bitch when no ones helping or making more of a mess when I'm busting my ass to get everything ready! My mom is the worst, she used to make me crabby as a kid bc she would freak out! Glad you had a good Easter, and DW is lucky to have you!

Willow2010's picture


And I hate to admit it, but I am one of "those women". It drives my husband and kids insane too! lol.

I keep a really nice clean house to begin with so it really aggravates them, when I make them clean even BETTER for guest. I can't tell you how many times my Dh has said to me..."Why are we cleaning a clean house just because people are coming over?!?!" lol

askYOURdad's picture

I am one of those women too. To give you some insight...

Overall men are expected to be the breadwinners, the providers for their family. They are expected to be tough, to like football, video games, bacon and budlite etc. (obviously I am just going with the stereotypes here)

Well, in that same way, I think I feel as a women that I am expected to be the homemaker/nurturer. Read any post here and somewhere in the post or the comments will be something along the lines of "we are expected..." So when people come over, it's like our way of saying "see, I am doing it, I am being the homemaker, my toilets are clean and my house smells like I just baked something delicious."

I do enjoy a clean home as I'm sure many of these nutty women do, but when I am having guests I go into that mode the same way someone probably makes an extra effort on their appearance for a job interview.

thinkthrice's picture

Probably because despite "Women's Lib" the home is STILL a reflection of the woman of the house and is not considered to be a reflection of the man's character--even if the man is a total slob. If the house is messy, untidy, unkempt, the first thought that pops into ANYONE'S head is that the lady of the house is lazy or a complete slob.

I doubt ANYTHING will change this stereotype.