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dsfsdjfn's picture

I am sorry I dont know who else to say this to...I am so fed up of hearin about the H1N1!!! media, work, bm calling me about if ss should get the shot, the controversy over it...bla..bla...bla....FED UP OF IT! lololol just had to say this out loud (or out written) thanks for reading lol Wink


dsfsdjfn's picture

Thats my feeling as well...too much publicity...but then your son needs to be protected from any kind of contagious crap because of his situation, not just its normal to be worried...i just feel the media is making it sound like were all gonna die if we dont get the shot...

invisiblestepmom's picture

I worry about the exposure just because i have asthma and my boys inherited my asthma. But I get sick of all the insanity over it too, even though I'm freaking out ( on the inside and in my blog( about SS15 possibly havving it and not knowing for sure, but I hear ya. I especailyl don't like it because they have actually talked about H1N1 in my sons kindergarden class, I understand teachig proper hand washig and covering their coughs but really to scare them by tellign them about this awful virus is a bit too much. My little guy is so scared of it that I keep my worries about it mummm and am not telling him his brother SS15 may have it. I think its crazy for a school to plant this fear in a 5 year olds head just because teh teachers are afraid of getting it.

invisiblestepmom's picture

the other thing I can't stand is the fact that this is not the only flu strand out there, and that the vaccinations for inluenza and teh new swine flu do not protect against all flus. My lame employer issued flu shots and then told staff who still got a flu that they were lying because they were vaccinated, dumb asses!

Rabon5's picture

Swine Flu, H1N1, The Flu... all the same. There are different strands of colds, stomach viruses and the flu. They are all the same. The only reason for all the hype is that people are getting the flu viruse "out of flu season." The media needs to let it go and move on to better topics!

Stick's picture

H1N1 - Based on my own personal experience with SD... the media is wayyyy over hyping this thing. Maybe we got lucky and I do feel blessed that for her it was definitely mild and we started treating it immediately.

But the thing is, we weren't told if it was Swine Flu or regular flu. All we were told is that is was H1N1 (which could have been either.)

I understand that we need to be alerted and aware. If I hadn't heard so much about Swine Flu, I wouldn't have taken SD to the doctor the day after she started showing symptoms, so she could have gotten sicker. That could be why she had it so mildly. It's definitely a catch 22.

I just wish they would give us the info without the scare tactics.

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

dsfsdjfn's picture

What annoys me is they are not giving the information in a way for people to totally understand what is going on...they scare people, then people go on nthe net and get information for any bogus site and think it is the truth...people are taking their babies with a runny nose to the ER, because they might have H1N1...the kid has a cold...get over it and stop clogging up the space for the people who need to be the ER is FULL of germs, so youre risking making the kid sicker...I dont mind the info, I mind the way it is given out...

stepoff's picture

What is it with this freaking topic anyway? I belong to a pregnancy board on another site. SOOOOO many people have stopped visiting the site and blogging because of this topic. It's been brought up far too often, people are confused, pregnant women are freaking out about their pregnancy and little ones at home, it's just all TOO much. IMO, washing hands and coughing/sneezing in my elbow is the way to go. I'm not even getting this shot or buying into the hype. That's what disinfectant is for.

Angel72's picture

I just said the same thing to my daycare worker last night. I'm so fed up about hearing it. The media is hyping it way too much. The give false storied as scare tactics like that child who died in toronto. He had meningitis for god's sake!
I got this damn virus in february before it becaem an epidemic. Was it a really bad flu? Yah you bet ya! it hit me the worst compaired to my son and hubby. BUt heck any flu is horrible. ANY flu can kill , its just not reported. WHy on earth would report now the deaths of a particular flu??/ Maybe the public needs to focus on somehting else becuse of the recession maybe the gov needs to boost the economy by making peopel freak out and spend money on tests and medications etc..etc
i dont know...but i'm sick of hearing about it.

dsfsdjfn's picture

I have my own feeling about this...take recession add lack of sales and profit add a virus substract information but add chaotic media and you get money and sales for pharma companies and media...oops! did I just say that????

Angel72's picture

I also work for research. I know all too well these pharma companies.
And i do find it odd for the media to jump all the sudden and the doctors when last april they said anyone who gets it , its a mild case and to treat it like any other flu.Now its like a death sentence adn when one doctor clearly said the media has overblown this and that there are small percentages that do die from other flu strains and that if people dont want the vaccine its their perogative. Other flu vaccines are not push, he apparently is now being threatened to be taken to the medical board for not advising people to take the flu shot for h1n1. When i heard that, i was certain it is propanda for Government purposes.
I will not get this shot and neither will my family. On the basis that we've already been exposed to the main virus and the fact that the media is over doing it and the fact that the goverment keep changning the info.
First pregos and all get it, and its the vaccine with high adjuvents. Heck that a woudl get you more sick than the actual damn virus!!!!! Now they state pregoo woman get the nonadjuvent. Kids get 2 shots, now its one depending on I am soo sick of it. STanding in line for 6 hours for this? I dont get the reg flu shots and i will treat it like any other. WAsh my hands, drink alot of fluids, take nyquil, watch the fever, should we get severally dehydrated or reps prob go to emergency.

stepoff's picture

I was going to say that but didn't want to piss everyone off with my 'theories', but YES YES YES!!! This is hyped so the pharmaceutical companies can make more money, labs make more money with testing, doctors make more money, on and on and on. Thanks for being brave enough to say it Angel!

I think a LOT of things that docs do are for $$$$. I've gotten so many tests recently that are just plain unnecessary but expensive, and I'm about to tell my doc to STOP.

dsfsdjfn's picture

hey! i said it first ;P just kidding ;P

I agree with you angel, WASH cough in arm and stop talking about h1n1!!!

invisiblestepmom's picture

I have to enlighten you with a funny story about H1N1 when it was first called swine flu and people were saying you could get it from eating pork..I knew this was not true, but I joked with people when they asked me if i was worried, I'd say no, I'm allergic to pork so I won't be eating any infected pork to get this flu. It was pretty fun to mess around with stupid people this way. In fact on of those people still believes this and keeps telling me I don't need to worry about it since I can't eat pork. I finally had to tell her that you don't get it from pork, its just a flu strain that was first found in hogs and now humans get it too.
Then I had to tell her the latest in the news, that your pets can now get the flu from you so they are making a flu vaccine for pets. She just got sick with worry that her pets would get it too. I felt bad I was just joking around with her because I think the pet vaccine is just a way to make money off paranoid pet owners and a bit silly when there aren't enough vaccines available for humans yet that they are making them for pets now too.

dsfsdjfn's picture

H1N1 for pets????? LOLOLOLOLOLOL everyone wants to chunk of the pie then...thanks for sharing, I am laughing my head off!