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like watching ground hog day...

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the same s**** over and over and over...So I thought we had it all under control...BM was occasionnaly asking for stuff, but id convince DH to comply to have peace on earth, DH's mama (who hates me so much she didnt come to our wedding and now DH and her have not talked in over a year) was out my hair...until yesterday the bailiff came to DH's job to serve him...

BM (which in my profession was always known as bowel mouvement...sorry for the real and good mamas out there...that does not apply to you)wants more CS, which is one thing...but now she says we REFUSE for the child to have medical attention and see a much needed social worker and psychologist, as he is having bad behavior anxiety and trouble sleeping...well I dont recall seeing a doctor's evaluation saying he needs help, nor observing any of this myself...he is fine at our house...and even if he was not, had she called us to say needed this DH would never say why the bailif? you already call us 100000 times a day for other crap, you could not include this minor detail???

to make matters worse, BM used to work for MIL, who falsified her tax papers to state she makes less so she gets more CS (this the same woman who fired DH, her son, who built her company with her from day 1, and then falsified papers saying he quit...)does anyone know what to do here? Our lawyer says we should seek joint custody, and eventually full...(we only have SS EOW and summer and holidays, as we had approached the joint issue with BM, but she says she does not work its less for her) is this anyone's situation? is it better?

Sometimes I think I was wrong to go to college and work my ass off to have a decent my next lifetime, I'll be like bm...have plenty of children by different unsuspecting daddys, not work and take them to court when I feel like it as legal aid is free for people who dont work in this country...AMEN (just ranting btw...) HELP !!!