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Eagle Eye's picture

So SS15 plays on JV soccer team. He got a "mild" concussion three weeks ago and went to the doctor. He was released with no follow up. Honestly, I don't believe he had a concussion because he said nothing to anyone the day it happened at practice. The ball hit him on the side of the head. He continued to practice and even went to a team dinner running around being his foolish self!

The next day I get a call from school nurse saying he has a headache. She was surprised when she found out that I knew nothing of the "injury" from night before. I called BM she took him to doctor and doctor released him. School has a rule you have to sit out 2 days after that type of injury and have the school director release the player. Like I said it's been 3 weeks. SS15 practices but doesn't play in the actual game. He says because he hasn't been released from the school. (why would he be allowed to practice but no game?)

Does this make sense to anyone?? DH seems clueless and BM knows nothing. Of course neither one of them are concerned. I know he is ok so I am not concerned about his "injury" but I think he is playing everyone for a fool!!

His grades: 5 F's, 1 D, 1 A. Now supposedly the school does grade checks and if the kid is failing no playing!! I think this is the exact reason he isn't playing but DH doesn't seem to care one way or the other!!

This is driving me nuts! Even though DH doesn't care I hate that SS15 gets away with his damn lies!! He lays around our house all weekend playing video games! Never showered or brushed his teeth Oh and of course he didn't have homework!

All the while DH is giving me attitude about BD15. Whatever!! At least I am involved and I would know why my kid wasn't playing!! BTW she has 3 A's, 3 B's and 1 C. }:)


Eagle Eye's picture

I know how serious head injuries can be and I certainly would take it serious. The problem is I'm pretty sure SS never had a injury in the first place.

I looked at the school district's policy online regarding this and nothing is taking place the way it says it supposed to! Its been 3 weeks and if it were my kid I'd be taking him to the doctor to find out what was wrong! He shows no signs of anything he runs around all week long acting a fool! I'm 99.9% he is playing everyone for fools!

Willow2010's picture

Oh this sounds so like my SS. And he always made up these outrageous stories that no ONE in their right mind would believe, except for DH and BM. For a few years, I always tried to get to the bottom and prove him as a liar. And I did most of the times. BUUUUT…BM and DH really did not want to know or care to know. After a while, I just let it all go. It is so much better that way.

SS is now 19 and does the same crap to this day. He told 3 different stories about something when he was here a few weeks ago. DH knew he was lying, but did not say a word. I think it helps them sleep better if they try to ignore how F'd up the kid really is.

Eagle Eye's picture

You sound like me! I always get to the bottom of things and show SS to be a liar. I think DH gets embarrassed for a minute or so but then goes back to ignoring!!It is so frustrating to watch all this crap unfold!!

My BD15 is the one who gets stuck in the middle of all this and that is why I continue to stick my nose in where no one else cares! DH thinks all kids are the same but they aren't! I happen to think my BD is a wonderful girl who most times does the right things! She gets a little attitude going at times and DH just flips out! Right now he is on the kick of not wanting to do anything for BD because he thinks she is just a smart a$$ but amazingly he thinks SS15 is such a prince! So annoying! I told him just yesterday if he didn't want to be part of her life then he just needs to back off totally! I will do for my daughter as I always have! It's too bad that SS has 2 useless parents!

Willow2010's picture

It makes it much easier when you stop doing that. Look at it from his side...he is married to a person that keeps pointing out how screwed up his kid really is. The more you show him, the more he will fight it and try to act like your good kid is the devil. lol If you let it go, he will "maybe" step up a little bit.

Let DH know that you are stepping out. And if your DD is giving him crap, then you either take care of it, or let him back off. I had to tell my DH several times to back off. My kids were straight A's, nice, never in trouble, but if one of them did anything small, like get a B and not an A, he would blow it way out of order. Stupid crap like that.

I'm telling you...let it go. It was the best thing for my relationship.

StarStuff's picture

Your DH should take away the video games until SS's grades improve. I can't imagine not caring about my kid's grades that much! Totally irresponsible.

HungryEyes's picture

I'm trying to imagine if my son came home with 5 Fs! There'd be no soccer! No fun. No games. No friends. There'd be books, books, books and my head would it explode.

It's the grades completely. That's why he's not playing. You can always call the school and ask. What does DH say?

Eagle Eye's picture

DH really has nothing to say other than he is disappointed. He says he can't take video games away until he has solid proof that SS is failing. Um...hello! We have online grading system that you can check daily! I check it everyday!! I even showed it to DH but he all he said was "how do we know that is accurate?" I showed him BD's grades and I got silence.

I told DH to contact the coach because if SS truly wasn't playing due to "injury" I would think he would want to know! I told him to go to practice or email the coach...just do something!! BUT as of today he has done nothing!! :O

I took it upon myself to email the head coach but of course he knew nothing about it. He said he would talk to other coach and get back to me but I'm guessing he won't. Report cards come out next week so I guess we'll confirm those grades! My guess will be SS says he didn't get his report card just like he did all last year! DH didn't pursue! :?