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Eagle Eye's Blog

**Update to***Why Can't SS17 walk to school!!

Eagle Eye's picture

So DH actually supported my decision of no longer driving SS17 to school!! :jawdrop:

He told his son that from now on he could walk or take the bus or even a ride a bike!! So the next morning SS17 had a friend pick him up!

2 days later when SS17 was supposed to come to our house, DH receives a text from BM saying "SS17 no longer wants to go to your house!!"

Bhahahahaha!!! SS17 has made the decision not to visit daddy because he's too lazy to walk or ride a bike!! :O

Not step related!! My ex wants to make me an offer on back child support!!

Eagle Eye's picture

He text today. He wants to meet up to discuss a possible payoff option towards the $40k he owes in back child support!! He says he contacted the state and they told him he could discuss with me.

My question is can this be legal? I would think he would have to draw up some type of legal paperwork so that he'd get credit. I'm guessing he's going to offer me $5000 upfront if I "forget" about the back child support!!

Why can't 17yr SS walk to school?????

Eagle Eye's picture

My SS17 a senior in high school is being driven to school and back. He has continually received poor grades throughout high school so he has not gotten his drivers license!

Last year he lived with his mother during the school and came with us every other weekend because she wanted to "hand old" him so he would do his assignments!! Well that didn't go so well and he failed 2 classes. She hand held him through summer school as well.

The truth confirmed as I already knew it!!

Eagle Eye's picture

DH keeps sayings he needs proof about SS15 failing. He didn't want to believe the online grading system because it has been wrong in the past!!

So yesterday I get a call from SS teacher (not sure why I always get called and not DH or BM) she wanted to let me know SS is failing her class. Really? :O I've been telling DH for weeks!! Finally I have proof so now he'll believe me!! Right?

I text BM to let her know as she has also decided to ignoring the facts. She seems surprised to hear the news too! :?


Eagle Eye's picture

So SS15 plays on JV soccer team. He got a "mild" concussion three weeks ago and went to the doctor. He was released with no follow up. Honestly, I don't believe he had a concussion because he said nothing to anyone the day it happened at practice. The ball hit him on the side of the head. He continued to practice and even went to a team dinner running around being his foolish self!

WTF? Why does DH think everything has to be a competition between kids??

Eagle Eye's picture

BD15 has been playing soccer since she was 5 yrs old. She has been playing CLUB soccer for the last 5 years. She basically lives for soccer! She plays on her high school team and just recently broke her leg during a game! She is out for the next 6 months which is quite devasting for her!! She had the accident at the end of the season right before tryouts for the new season. Luckily, her repuation as a great soccer player helped her out!! She was picked up by an even better team even though she can't play right now.

Does DH really want to parent his child??

Eagle Eye's picture

After what happened earlier this week with SS14 and DH I think I've come to the final conclusion that DH really doesn't care to be a parent. I think he prefers to be fun dad and let everyone else parent his dumba$$ son!!

DH never sticks to any punishments because he "forgets" and wonders why SS continues with his behavior.SS14 says he "forgets" whenever you ask him about his behavior.

I let my feelings get hurt!!!

Eagle Eye's picture

Expectation leads to disappoint!! I know this, I follow this but sometimes I forget!

I took it upon myself to order BD15 & SS14 yearbooks at $60 each! I ordered them ahead of time in order to beat the rush. So BD sends me text the other day asking if I would buy her a yearbook. I replied saying I had preordered. She text back a big THANK YOU!! Then came home and thanked me again telling me she forgot her school ID so she'd pick it up the next day.
