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Divorce help fast

Elle36's picture

This probably should go into the legal forum but I want as much help as possible. Husband and I are divorcing after 3 years. We now have a 10 month old together which I have temporary custody of and he has very limited visitation. He has a 8 year old from previous marriage that was with us every other week. I just found out that husband is now going to claim I was abusive to his son and his son was afraid of me. I took care of his son every summer since I was a teacher, school holidays. Got kid ready for school every morning, rushed home after school to get him off bus. Took family to Disney that I paid and numerous other trips. What do I need to do to prove myself. I did find out that after we split (and I got to stay in his house that he lived in with his son before me) Dad started taking kid back to child psychologist that WE both took him to a few years earlier to deal with Dad's first divorce.


StepLightly's picture

A SHARK're going to need to be offensive, not defensive Elle! BE AGGRESSIVE.

smurfy1smile's picture

Get a good attorney and get proof of your character - ie notorized letters/statements from your school principal stating you being off in the summer and anything else he or she knows about you caring for your Skid, Skid school teachers regarding your involvment with him, daycare if you had it, Skid's friends parents, copies of doctor and dentist records showing you took the child for care, and anyone else you can think of that would/could verify your character to show you are not abusive. Do you have any kind of relationship with BM? If so, see if she will help you out. Do you know why BM and your STBEH divorced? I would get a copy of the divorce papers, if you don't have them. They are public information and pretty simple to get from the court house they were filed in.

Why is there very limited visitation? This might help your case if its a good reason. Try legal aid if you can't afford a lawyer. Document everything regarding visits - condition of child whenm returned, if pick up or drop off is late of early, etc.