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emma5678's Blog

SO's court mediation went as expected

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After viewing the SW's recommendations on custody/visitation, my SO and I pretty much knew what was going to happen when they went to court.. BM would not agree and would want to take it to court. And that is exactly what happened.

The SW went over her report, explained some things, and then the lawyers got to ask questions. My SO's lawyer asked her "if BM moves back to the state, would that change anything?" and the answer was "no."

SO go some good news yesterday regarding mediation/court.

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He has the first mediation session later this week. Leading up to this court date, it was required for both of them to meet with the court social working both in office and at home visits in both homes with the kids. Documents provided, etc. He got the paperwork from the social worker yesterday stating facts, her opinions, and her recommendations of what she thinks is best for the kids.

My SO actually understood my side of things involving the current situation.

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Last week, I had some issues with my boyfriend asking me to watch his 2 kids for 3 weeks in June and possibly again in July+ August depending on how things go. With this situation, he didn't say I had to watch them, and didn't say he would be mad at me if I didn't, but I was going off of his past reactions whenever he wanted me to watch them and I said no.

SO's work-life balance sucks

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Had a conversation with my SO last night that left me thinking "what the f***." He works mostly normal hours as is, but he skips his lunch break everyday so that he can work more. He loves his job, he would work OT every day/week if he could. I didn't realize just how much until our conversation last night though. Up until December 2016, he worked in a different position and didn't like his job as much. He would work 7:30-4:00 every day, and would always take his lunch break..
