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Everything she does irritates me. why?

@ the end of my rope's picture

SD14 gets under my skin every day.
It takes so much self control not to blow up at her. I just want to scream and rip out my hair all the time.
I have been wondering if there was something wrong with me because of the way I feel then I started reading some posts on here and understand I am not alone.
SD spends 90% of her time in her bedroom.
If she ever comes out I get anxious just by her presence. The way she walks, talks, eats, breathes..... everything irritates me.
I bring up some things to DW that I think aren't minor petty things and she responds with hostility saying my BS8 and BS11 annoy her but she doesn't complain about them.
She makes me feel horrible for the way I feel, I can't stop how one person makes me feel.

My next post will include everything I can think of that SD14 does that really gets to me.


Ninji's picture

Just the sound of my SS's voice sometimes gets me in a foul mood. For NO reason.

My SD is a great kid, she loves to hug on me. I can't stand it but I don't want to hurt her feelings.

I can't help the way I feel, rational or not.

Tuff Noogies's picture

there are always going to be people in life who irritate the shit out of you and you dont remotely get along with. just so happens that you live with one of those people.

i do too. it's exhausting.

try a little woooosaaaahhhh when you feel yourself tensing or cringing....

over step's picture

My mood instantly changes to loathing every time I hear Puke's(sd15) name or hear her voice when dh is talking to her on the phone. I used to get that way when I walked by her room but I keep the door closed when she isn't visiting(which is most of the time). Dh doesn't understand why I get so pissy when he goes on and on and on and on about her. Why would I find any pleasure in hearing about someone who has caused more unhappiness than happiness in our lives? Really?!

@ the end of my rope's picture

If she told me she was extremely annoyed by something my kids did all the time I would make myself aware of it and put a stop to it, not get upset and just allow it to continue and fester in my partners mind making their life miserable.

@ the end of my rope's picture

There is a difference between hostility and calm discussion. And I never said I want her kid to stop eating and breathing. I said I brought up stuff that I didn't think was petty. Eating is an important part of life. Only a complete asshole would nit pick about that kind of shit.
You obviously got confused reading my post.

over step's picture

I get what you're saying. For me it was the need for validation regarding Puke's behavior and actions that frustrated me. I didn't like to be made to feel like I was just nit picking everything Puke did when I just wanted dh to be a little sympathetic to my feelings and not get pissed at me for bring things to his attention that really bothered me.

I agree that you need to let things go for your sake and your relationship with your wife. That is not an easy pill to swallow but you will he happier in the end. (Keep in mind I did not say happy because it will still get to you.) I keep my mouth shut about Puke and dh is seeing for himself things I tried to talk to him about. The more you push it the more your wife will feel the need to defend her dd.

For me most of my hostility towards puke was actually not having my frustrations with puke validated by dh.

@ the end of my rope's picture

It frustrating that DW does stuff like harping on BS11 for not doing his chores daily when SD14 can screw off to a friends house 4 days out of the school week and now do her chores and it's ok.

It seems that I allow stuff to build up for days or weeks and it makes the tiny issues even worse.
It's compound frustration.